Omega 3 Supplements

13 Nov 2006
Anyone else take Omega 3 supplements?

Started taking pure cod liver oil in liquid form as it has higher doses of the important acids EPA and DHA. Taste doesn't really bother me, just hold your nose :)

Whats best Capsules or Liquid?
I talked to Frank and he said taking Acid was a bad thing.

How does holding your nose affect what it tastes like,
they go in your mouth don't they?

I talked to Frank and he said taking Acid was a bad thing.

How does holding your nose affect what it tastes like,
they go in your mouth don't they?


Taste is a function of both smell and taste. Your tongue can only distinguish 5 tastes. The rest is all smell. Thats why you cannot taste when you are bunged up with a cold!
Omega 3 is one of the few food supplements with good quality clinical evidence behind their use. In fact, it is becoming increasingly more common for people to be started on a pharmaceutical grade omega 3 supplement after a heart attack as there is convincing evidence that it reduces recurrence. They also have anti-cancer properties and a few others. They can increase risk of bleeding, and strokes but only very slightly. Multivitamins on the otherhand are largely pointless, unless you eat pretty much nothing.
They can increase risk of bleeding, and strokes but only very slightly
I didn't know this..

The US National Institutes of Health lists three conditions for which fish oil and other omega-3 sources are most highly recommended: hypertriglyceridemia, secondary cardiovascular disease prevention and high blood pressure. It then lists 27 other conditions for which there is less evidence. It also lists possible safety concerns: "Intake of 3 grams per day or greater of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding, although there is little evidence of significant bleeding risk at lower doses. Very large intakes of fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke."

Leaves me wondering what a "very large intake" is.. I eat tons of fish. Love the stuff!
I use Omega 3 6 9 from 2 tabs a day (500mg/tab) as it has EPA, DHA and GLA, plus they do a good bulk pack which saves quite a bit.

You can get a discount of 5% with your first order using this promotional code: MP173397
Here is a brilliant video

I've always been a fan of good fats, I used to take Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend, but its expensive and not the best source of fats. I usually take a good quality fish oil such as Krill or Salmon with evening primrose oil, and cook with organic butter and extra virgin olive oil (Not heated).

What does it mean by a risk or bleeding? Will I just start bleeding sitting here on my PC lol?

I take 3g of Omega 3 a day.

Not an issue, just thins the blood naturally, better for circulation, joint support, heart health, brain function . . .
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Whats best Capsules or Liquid?

Both are fine though personally I'd go for liquid. Don't automatically opt for the ridiculous 1 - 3 (in some cases) of recommended capsule daily intake. Sure, it's way better than nothing but when you see some well known makes like FSC or UDOS advising 2 - 4 dessert spoons (1 - 2 tablespoons in other words), you realise that you would never fit that much in a capsule. :D

(Higher Nature) make a very nice tasting one with lemon juice (I honestly couldn't tell the difference between normal lemon juice and the fishy one). It isn't cheap but this one is concentrated, so in this case you only need a teaspoon (iirc - been a while since I've taken it).

I take liquid for now.

I also read that in liquid form, once the top has been opened the oil can be oxigenised and lose some of it's effectiveness. Probably the only plus point of capsules is that they all stay fresh.

To those taking capsules, have a look at the EPA/DHA mg per capsule, because most only have around 240mg per cap. It is recommended you get at least 1000mg a day and you can't really take more capsules as you will probably OD on the other vitamins, so look for the extra strength ones.

It's probably placebo, but since I've been taking this, I'm not aching as much and my joints feel much more loose.
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If you're using liquid make sure to keep it in the fridge once its been opened to reduce the likely hood of it going rancid, also if you're taking it purely to bump up your EPA/DHA intake use omega 3/fish oil rather than cod liver oil as taking in large amounts of cod liver oil can cause a Vit A overdose due to the fact its fat soluble and builds up in the body.
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