Snowing here too, though doesn't seem to be sticking. Today I might experiment with wearing a scarf! Pushing the boat out I know.
Snowing in London Village, although pathetic and I don't really like snow out of Christmassy seasons... want it to get warmer really :(

/bah humbug mode off

BB x
Mickey_D said:
I'm tired of my feet being frozen (inside the house) and the cost of heating the house and warming up the car is getting outrageous!!

Get yourself a Lister m8, problem solved ;)
Visage said:
Yes, OK everyone, we get it - ITS what?
I thought grumpy old men loved to discuss the current weather situation? :p
I on the other hand, am grumpy through lack of the white stuff...
It's snowing here too, reasonably heavily, but it isn't settling. Glad that I'm off work sick today now, its obviously very cold outside!
I want snow! If there is anywhere within an hour or so of Poole, Dorset that has PROPER snow then please mail me (in case i forget to check here) - i'm dying to take the landy out in real snow and do some photography.
Snowing here in Godalming too. Kinda ironic when part of the town is covered in fake snow for filming (Jude Law and Cameron Diaz are down the road somewhere at the moment).
its snowin in luton ... although its quite warm and vanishes the second it hits the ground... also been pretty crappy the last few days and is expected to rain later

i do like now, but i like hot better :D
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