OMG !! F@H rumbled!

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
I think my little folding farm has been rumbled.. They are all still downloading and cruching but then stop at 100% when trying to feedback the results.. Just as i'm on 99k..


13:43:21] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:43:21] - Will indicate memory of 511 MB
[13:43:21] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:43:21] Connecting to
[13:43:23] Posted data.
[13:43:23] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:43:23] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:43:23] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:43:23] Connecting to
[13:43:24] Posted data.
[13:43:24] Initial: 0000; + Could not connect to Work Server
[13:43:24] - Error: Attempt #36 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[14:31:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[14:31:31] - Will indicate memory of 511 MB
[14:31:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[14:31:31] Connecting to
[14:31:32] Posted data.
[14:31:32] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[14:31:32] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[14:31:32] Loaded queue successfully.
[14:31:32] Connecting to
[14:31:33] Posted data.
[14:31:33] Initial: 0000; + Could not connect to Work Server
[14:31:33] - Error: Attempt #37 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
The server isn't down - it's just out of WUs due to lots of people specifying deadlineless work to avoid the 56 pointers and such

Either reconfigure the client for normal work (with limits on size/memory used) or if that's not possible you'll just have to wait for more work to become available :o
rich99million said:
The server isn't down - it's just out of WUs due to lots of people specifying deadlineless work to avoid the 56 pointers and such

Either reconfigure the client for normal work (with limits on size/memory used) or if that's not possible you'll just have to wait for more work to become available :o

as that what it is rich.. just out of WUs.. Surely it would redirect to another server?
Admiral Huddy said:
as that what it is rich.. just out of WUs.. Surely it would redirect to another server?
seemingly not when it's deadlineless WUs it would appear :o
there's a thread on it in the folding community forums - will dig it out in a mo

with normal work that's exactly how it works

whether there's any politics going on here somewhere - we've had stacks of deadlineless work available for as long as I can remember and suddenly it's run out :confused:
good so it's not me then.. I had 9 WUs finish on Sunday, then nothing :)

I've re-inatlled the client to allow bigger memory sized WUs but stillpointing to that same server.

When I was asked the question for deadlineless WUs, I replied YES.. should I have said no.

EDIT - Looking at extremeOC stats, there are quite a few top producers that haven't produced anything today.. Including Gazzza :confused:

shadowscotland said:
doh! - to hot, can't consentrate, sorry AH
hey no worries :)
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IIRC every WU wants to go back to the server from whence it came. When your server's back online you will be able to return your work for full credit. stash 'em up real big and brag to Berserker about your monster dumpification. ;)
you'll have to answer NO to deadlineless work

i mentioned limiting the memory available as i assumed you'd want to make sure you didn't get anything too demanding that might affect the performance of the machine

you want to answer NO to "Large WUs", NO to deadlineless work, and then maybe set a limit on how much memory is available for FAH to work with
sorry I don't recall what order these questions come in the config :o

if you specify for the client to not use more than 100MB of RAM then you should get similar work to the deadlineless stuff :)

edit: this is assuming you are using the v5.04 beta console version - if it's the GUI i don't know if you can limit the memory
BillytheImpaler said:
IIRC every WU wants to go back to the server from whence it came. When your server's back online you will be able to return your work for full credit. stash 'em up real big and brag to Berserker about your monster dumpification. ;)
Just curious, how do you stash?
I thought the client only downloaded 7 units or something if you set it to, can you make it download more?
You can stash by installing a bunch of clients then telling them to point to a non-existant proxy server. They'll just hold on and wait until you reconfigure them an an orgy of dumpage. It's not easy and it's not good for *** science but it is possible.
Sounds complicated.
I expect i could set up the maximum of 8 clients on a machine, all deadlineless and have them all keep a queue. That would be a decent stash, add a little fun to things.
Hmm maybe i'll do that on one of my old pcs and leave it running somewhere for 6 months or so without an internet connection.

If you wanted to you could have a set of folding nodes setup like that and you would on'y have to go and plug in a lan cable once a month or so.
Joe42 said:
Sounds complicated.
I expect i could set up the maximum of 8 clients on a machine, all deadlineless and have them all keep a queue. That would be a decent stash, add a little fun to things.
err and use up all the WUs that some people need for their ancient machines to help out??? :confused:

I have one backup client on most of my machines, came in handy today when we had a brief powercut not long after I went to work and one of the clients on my X2 thought it was already running and decided it would stop the service - got a nice Tinker WU done in the meantime along with the normal Wu on the second client :)
Your wish is my command - what do you think?


edit: added space for your rig stats or whatever - orange is colour FF6633
are you old enough for joe90? if not google it :D
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