19 Oct 2002
Couple of hours ago, my computer hung while booting xp, the only thing I could do was to was to push the reset button.

When i rebooted i couldn't get anywhere near the os

Later after trying to fix it, I ran partition magic and fix one error which ws something like a cross linked file.

I dont know whether it was this which caused the problem but now all my hdd's say that they are RAW !! Why would this happen and how can i fix them, there is around 500gb of data on these drives (2 Satas)

I have tried to run the xp cd to reinstall but the screen just goes black?

Please, please, please, please, help me!
I have a slight problem with trying my hdd's in another. I'm currently working in Rwanda in an office with just one other very very old desktop.

I have just tried to download the Powermax 4.22 ISO image from the Maxtor website, but the link to the download leads to a blank page: This to this

My last hope, before going to Kigali to buy a hard disk I really really cannot afford and it comes to a blank page.

Does anyone have or know of a link where i could download a copy of Powermax 4.22 ISO image please. ---> Found it

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Helloooo, back again,

OK so... Powermax was useless, couldn't even detect the drives, but its posting fine now.

Yesterday, I went to Kigali and paid a whopping 160 quid for a 200gb Seagate Barracuda :eek: Came back installed Xp on to it (with a lot of proplems for some reason-very annoying).

Connected up my 2 satas, booted xp, couldn't access the drives, did something, not sure what but when i rebooted xp ran chkdsk on the satas and when i got back into xp i could see all! So backed up the smaller of the 2 partitions including all my accounts for my work ... phew :)

Then i tried to get my original xp to boot, but got this error:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt

So i followed this and got rid of this error, but then after rebooting i got this error:

Invalid Boot.ini
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:


And followed this

When i rebooted, no os could be found, did this bootcfg /list again in the recovery console and instead of the 2 entries there were before, now there were none.

... Booted new xp, and for about an hour chkdsk did this:

Replacing invalid security id with default security id for file for numbers 1 upwards, I lost interest at around 16000 and went to find out what it was doing - apparently after doing this on some peoples pc, the os is able to boot again. Mine wouldn't

Back in my new copy of xp i can now see 3 of the 4 partitions, the one containing all of my software, some new music, various backups and about 20gbs worth of photos and video taken while out here! - When i select this volume in Windows i get this error:

The wrong diskette is in the drive Insert (Volume Serial Number: ) into drive

All help on this error that I have found on the internet seems to be caused by Windows Defender, but i dont have that so im stumped.

Any ideas? Cheers
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