OMG is that a lot of snow..

7 Dec 2005
Is anyone else getting a crazy ammount of snow? I'm home from college this morning/afternoon as I have no lessons and I just looked out my window and its blizzarding. Ill post a few pics in a minute. I'm in gloucestershire near wales. ANyone else getting a lot of snow?




east coast of scotland
[TW]Fox said:
Why is it whenever it snows we get 400 OMG OMG OMG OMG ITS SNOWING threads?

I mean come on.... its weather, deal with it :p

[TW]Fox said:
Why is it whenever it snows we get 400 OMG OMG OMG OMG ITS SNOWING threads?

I mean come on.... its weather, deal with it :p

i was thinking that. i'm going to start a new thread everytime it's cloudy. then you'll see how dumb this is!! sig == awesome!
[TW]Fox said:
Why is it whenever it snows we get 400 OMG OMG OMG OMG ITS SNOWING threads?

I mean come on.... its weather, deal with it :p

it's more interesting than work though.
Well we have blue sky and bright sunshine, just walked from the gym and got the bucket and sponge out and washed the car still in shorts. :cool:
Sic said:
i was thinking that. i'm going to start a new thread everytime it's cloudy. then you'll see how dumb this is!! sig == awesome!
Why thank you. :p
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