OMG is that a lot of snow..

LOL just be glad that you werent in NYC, a few weeks ago just before i got there they had almost 30 inches of snow:eek:. Was kinda worried that my tiny gf, shes only 5'1:p might have been buried under the snow. I thoroughly enjoyed pelting her and her friends with some hardened snowballs though :p:D
Tony Soprano said:
I thought you liked the cold Gilly? :)
Aye, very much so. Snow is different though, all it causes is tailbacks and accidents. The damn country grinds to a halt.
We got snow for a while but then it stopped and went all sunny, had time to make big snowball and blow it up with gunpowder though :p
[TW]Fox said:
Why is it whenever it snows we get 400 OMG OMG OMG OMG ITS SNOWING threads?

I mean come on.... its weather, deal with it :p

LOL! A bit bitter that your parents never took you out to play in the snow as a child, or something?! :D

We dont get snow often and when we do get it its a bit special, reminds me of when i was a kid out building snow men etc :D :)
typically it starts snowing afteri jsut took fri-mon off last weekend! Gonna have to take this weekend off and get up the lecht asap since i haven't had a single days boarding this season :(
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