?I did bring up the NAS but its just more things for us to look after.
Isn't that literally your job?
It sounds like you want everything on the cloud because it makes life easy for you, rather than it actually being a benefit to the business
?I did bring up the NAS but its just more things for us to look after.
So it is but on the other hand we both look after the cnc machines , the sql side of the databases and we have to make all the changes to the products that we sell on the cad side. But because all the products we sell most of our time is taken up with that.?
Isn't that literally your job?
It sounds like you want everything on the cloud because it makes life easy for you, rather than it actually being a benefit to the business
As for how long this cad software will be around is a who knows the company that built it got bought out 3 years ago from what i was told.the CAD softeare for me given the limited info i have is the concern.
will the company who designed it be around in 30years? and who has the source code/do you have contractual access to the source code should you choose? or are you only licenced for the end product?
you can have the data but if you dont have anything to open it on the data sort of becomes worthless..
So as for data that we need to back up am currantly gathering that information as we speak. The data will increase over time obviously but will take a huge jump soon due to new contract with the government.ah thats understandable.
but its something that need to be thought about as part of the long term strategy :/
theres the possibiliy they will turn around and say they are no longer suporting it. or the code base needs a complete re-write to suppot new operatinve system ect (hefty price tag goes with it).
at any raite im going of topic.
if you have custom cad the autodesk contructioncloud probably isnt what you want. unless its just bolt on to autodesk prducts.
offsite back up and regular restore is my thinking at the moment. Week day/Week/Month/Yearly depeneding on your level of needs
cost and time to repalce the USB Hardlock Dongles in case of Fire/theft/damage
out of interest what sort of data volume are you looking at
HP are looking to do a (TAAS) Tin As A Service model which is realtively cheap. it was a no goer for us for other reasosn but this is a possible use case. the Dongles would need to be sent obviously, if you have a few stagger sending them as machines are sorted out and tested. this also supplies a secure remote connection. you might get court in the 5year repalcement policy (not a bad thing) so that also needs to be considered. staff can be added and removed to remote pools.
they also offer NAS shared storage. for cad this could be what your looking for. still need to look at alterantives for backup as a whole
As for how long this cad software will be around is a who knows the company that built it got bought out 3 years ago from what i was told.
As for how long this cad software will be around is a who knows the company that built it got bought out 3 years ago from what i was told.
I would hope there is some long-term plan with it going forward.
As for the source code we don't have access to that. We are only licenced for the end product. The guy who created it locked it down to dongle use only because his business partner at the time tried to run with it to China.
You could make the cloud/saas outage/infrastructure provisioning with appropriate backups a part of the contract, i.e. we have maximum tech support wait time and recovery details agreed with some of our vendors.plus cloud you at mercy of the vender if infrastructure goes down. still need to plan for outages.
were as on prem its you and the team fixing things.