Yup. I graduated in 2002 B(Eng.) Electronic Engineering and I've been stuck in £12.5k-£13.5k jobs ever since because none of the grad agencies gave me that break. No one will be interested now, as I'll soon be on the wrong side of 40. When my dad graduated, he was 1 in 20. The problem nowadays is that us graduates are 1 in 2, common as muck.
It was something that everybody should have seen coming.
Getting 50% of school leavers into university was not going to make 50% of school leavers instantly as academic as the top 5% that went on to university in the 80s.
The result is that about 5% of grads walk into decent jobs and the others struggle. So get a good degree from a good uni and it is easy. Get a degree from "Bradford bus station of technology" now Bradford Cosmopolitan University and your degree is not worth the time efort AND expense that was put in.
I feel really sorry for all the grads with great big loans that were basically lied to.