One minute I want it Satin Black.....

:rolleyes: Always someone who doubts pictures posted here. Roll out the 'looks fake to me' banners. If Drex says he's gone out and sprayed his RX7 in camp-as-a-row-of-tents-orange, then I believe him. Pic looks real enough to me anyway.

Yes I know
andi said:
:rolleyes: Always someone who doubts pictures posted here. Roll out the 'looks fake to me' banners. If Drex says he's gone out and sprayed his RX7 in camp-as-a-row-of-tents-orange, then I believe him. Pic looks real enough to me anyway.

Yes I know
you seriously think its real? lol :D

well isnt everyone the comedian with the hidden text tonight, very clever..
hehe i love it drexel!!

looks like something i did not long ago:

It'd make a great anti theft device, either because no one else would like it or because it would be so spottable.


I think it'd look better all as one, two tone (but colours that match or mix well) if you can and very glossed. If you could get that shiny photoshop effect in real life I think it'd look great, it'd be no good otherwise though.
Apologies for my desecration
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If your going to go bright then UBER bright for the win! I like that a lot. OTT to really pull the whole look off very well.

Do It!
But then again Black has its moments
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With a name I mistake for "Dremmel", this shocking picture I see before me kinda makes sense.

Dremmel for the win!
i hope your joking, its sexeh how it is, but that is awful. What did the RX7 ever do to you to deserve that sort of punishment :p
That's awesome :D :D

I think the problem is it is literally too fast and too furious for the sedate tastes of UK motorists :p
I think it'd look awesome, i've seen a rex driving around near me in a similar shade and it looked fantastic. The photoshop doesn't inspire me with confidence though...the nsx however is beautiful :)
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