one of two HD not working

25 May 2007
Hi all,

I have put together my first computer which is great and its working also, which is always a bonus.

I do however, have one problem. I purchased two Samsung HD400LJ hard drives. The plan was to have them operating in RAID to get maximum speed. HOwever, this being my first construction i didnt know that you needed a floppy disk from which to boot and needless to say a floppy disc drive upon which to run the disk..... sadly i purchased neither.

So..... i settled for 800gig of HD space, which actualy seems like a good idea as i had filled 500 on my last computer.

I bought two OEM versions, so no cables, no instructions and for some reason only ONE Jack (thats *** name i call the bit that makes it a master or slave drive). I dont beleive that i only have one of these is a problem as i beleive it defaults to master or slave (one or the other) if you do not have two.

So.....installed i did, one as master and one as slave. Both of these are plugged into the SATA 00 and 01 on my GIGABYTE P35-DS3P mobo.

Now, upon first boot i entered *** BIOS and both drives are detected, one as master and one as slave (please note at ths point that i have a DVD rewritter plugged into SATA 02 - this is registered as a master to).

WHen i load up windows i am only getting the disk space of one HD (400gig). Both units are detected in the Device Manager. When in disk manager i note that on one drive i have the option to disable it, but this is only an option on one of the drives. I have options to update drives on both, which i have done to no success.

i had some problems installing Vista to start with, but after a few re-boots and looking through *** BIOS (making no changes), it worked the third time.

I havent started plugging/unpluggin the drives as i do not want to lose the windows installation.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I might have done wrong?


OK firstly there's no such thing as master and slave with SATA, some BIOS writers insist on calling the odd numbered ports "master" and even ones "slave" but that's just plain wrong. One drive per cable, one cable per controller, multiple controllers per implementation.

Right that's the rant over, now on with the fix.

Pretty easy one this, the second drive just needs partitioned and formatted. Fire up Disk Management by right clicking on My Computer and picking Manage, select disk Management from the list on the left. Your two drives will show in there, Disk 0 will have the partition you created at install time (drive c:), Disk 1 will be empty. Right click on the empty space on Disk 1 and click New Partition, in the dialogue box give it a volume name if you want, make sure it's set to NTFS and select "Quick Format" then hit OK. The drive should take 20s or so to sort its life out then Windows should allocate it a drive letter and you're done. You can swap the drive letter with the DVD drive if you want but it's not necessary.
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