One seriously hot Focus........literally!

Rotty said:
could you maybe try hosting the pics as the link has swering in :)


Rest are :

Images are from PC180040 to OC180049 if you want to change your original post thepharcyde :)
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Its muppets like him who are the reason the young males of this forum get raped for insurance. i hope they dont pay out.
I did a burn out once, mainly just to see what all the fuss was about.

Yes, it was in front of a couple of friends in an empty car park and no I wasn't acting like an idiot.

It was the biggest waste of time in my life! Why anyone would want to kill their gearbox/clutch/tyres and handbrake is beyond me.

I've also grown out of doing wheelspins while pulling away quickly. No point in abusing your car like that. People just think you're a **** for doing so!

Bloody chavs... who'd 'ave 'em :D
Oakesy2001uk said:
same I'm looking at a grand!! :mad: im 20 3years NCB and have a 2 door 1.6 focus with wheels proper suspension and an exhaust.

Ouchy and i thought my 1K fc saxo vtr 22 0ncd was bad.
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I'm loving my £800 Rover 214 20 2 years NCB (group 8/9)! Much better than the £2200 and £1400 I was paying before!

Oh wait, I still am paying £1400. Gotta ring up sometime this week ;) :D
agw_01 said:
I'm loving my £800 Rover 214 20 2 years NCB (group 8/9)! Much better than the £2200 and £1400 I was paying before!

Oh wait, I still am paying £1400. Gotta ring up sometime this week ;) :D

Is that tpft? my quote is fc. :)
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