Online Gaming Survey (Fiveub approved)

many thanks to everyone that has taken part so far, you are really helping me to get to the required number of people to make my work statistical valid... not an easy task with an online survey,

Still have room for more people, so if you can help that would be super

Nice one
I'm currently looking for some major help with my final year Psychology project @ Keele University, the study is looking at "the importance of communication in online gaming".

Done. Good luck.

A small observation: your survey seems to assume that online games are fast action games. There's a whole branch of slower, more strategic, online games like Ikariam, played over months and years with fights taking hours or days and wars taking weeks, where extended player cooperation, organisation, and guidance are key.

I find the big AAA games that are easier to play such as Battlefield/Cod have more toxic players in, where something like Squad or Post SCriptum which require true team play -most players are really helpful. You get the odd' I know everything' person and really come across as rudely authoritative etc. But most of the time they are good. Depends how it is communicated - In team chat it's harder to get across 'tone' etc but over VOIP comms there is no mistaking how some things are meant. VOIP comms may not be as comfortable to an introvert as it is for an extrovert so maybe more extroverts in balance.

Good luck with study
Done. Good luck.

A small observation: your survey seems to assume that online games are fast action games. There's a whole branch of slower, more strategic, online games like Ikariam, played over months and years with fights taking hours or days and wars taking weeks, where extended player cooperation, organisation, and guidance are key.

Hi Quartz, i have sent you a DM that should answer your points...if anyone wants to ask for more detail then DM and i will try to get back to everyone
Done from France. I play quite a bit of Rocket League at low levels, but turn off the chat due to people who tell me I'm crap. I know I'm crap, but I don't need to see people writing it.
Completed, but you won't find my results useful because none of the questions have any relation whatsoever to my online gaming experience.

You might be surprised, stats work best with a good cross section of the population within a sample you are looking at, if everyone was the same it would be very simple to do you would just need 1 person.

As everyone has a different experience of online gaming, finding if there is a statistical difference between those experiences due to certain factors is key to understanding what to do about them.

So your input is just as valid and required to make it all work,

Massive thank you for all those who have taken part so far, your all total legends!!!! I'm nearly at the peak of statistical power, if we can get a few more to take part it will make any findings more valid, so thank you in advance to those who can spare the time.

have a great day
Hi Everybody,

Bit of a cheeky 24hr bump to the thread, just need about 15-20 people to complete the survey in the first post to hit the magic stats power number,

If you can find the spare time to help out that would be amazing.

Many thanks in advance,

Done, weird questions that I didn't find particularly applicable to me but completed nonetheless. :)
I may have a skewed result due to the answers i gave, i also didn't understand (possibly read the story incorrectly?) the character i was being asked about. I had story D1. It seemed the player in question wasn't toxic from my understanding, but appeared he was portrayed to be a toxic player.

I did only put 2hrs average online gaming a week. Whereas past 3 years i was playing the same game online for 3hrs a day. Love online games and communities, but feel like the decent communities aren't there, or are too hard to find.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all those who took part, i have now closed the study and the data analysis will being shortly,

Also a massive thank you to FiveUb and OcUK for allowing me to put the study on the forum it has been a huge help with my final year project.

Have a great week everyone, catch ya soon
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