Online Storage Available To PlayStation Plus Members From Tomorrow

8 Nov 2007
Really good idea, especially for games like gt5 etc. Wonder if they will put prices of playstation plus up to compensate if there is a lot of demand for this?
Who else does cloud game saves apart from Valve? :confused:

Hmm reading the blog this doesnt sound like an automated feature - i.e. I copy a game save to the cloud, if I play that game and make additional progress will I have to upload that updated game save to the cloud aswell? If thats the case Im already having to do that with regular back up saves to USB so this feature isnt as useful as first thought...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Who else does cloud game saves apart from Valve? :confused:

Hmm reading the blog this doesnt sound like an automated feature - i.e. I copy a game save to the cloud, if I play that game and make additional progress will I have to upload that updated game save to the cloud aswell?

ps3ud0 :cool:

It looks it, it seems this is more if a backup feature, also you can only restore saves once every 24 hours, still handy though.
I think I must have had the wrong end of the stick as thought it was going to be a service that automatically saves on the cloud (so theres no actual save on your machine or there is [to allow offline progress] but needs zero management from the user)...

So when saving, this feature would be streamlined/transparent - when it comes to backup, anything that requires user interaction is usually a bad thing as users tend to forget to backup until its too late. I would safely put the vast majority of console users within that sweeping generalisation :p...

ps3ud0 :cool:
It's gone down 11 hours for that. OMG What a pointless update. I just stick a flash stick in my PSN to back stuff up. At least all 2 PSN Plus members will be happy I guess.
I think a lot of people have got the wrong end of the stick mate, myself included, this isn't a proper cloud save system, rather just a save backup system using online storage, still handy I guess for those protected games saves.
Yeah definitely handy for protected game saves - Im looking at you Capcom you evil sadastic *******s (sorry but its just not heathily having to re-unlock fighters in SF4/SSF4 as many times as I have)
It's gone down 11 hours for that. OMG What a pointless update. I just stick a flash stick in my PSN to back stuff up. At least all 2 PSN Plus members will be happy I guess.
Setting up such system isnt childs play - no doubt theres a lot of testing involved once its deployed. I cant imagine it will go down well if down the line the system fails and loses a load of saves etc...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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/shudders - I dont have the constitution to even consider playing a lengthy RPG that had protected saves - double glazing costs money ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Seems pretty pointless to me, I like cloud syncing on PC because I switch (albeit rarely) between laptop and PC for some games.

I suppose it's like having a back up too but it's not like PS3 or their hard drives drop like flies.

Don't see why it's PSN+ either. Valve do it for free.
Yeah definitely handy for protected game saves - Im looking at you Capcom you evil sadastic *******s (sorry but its just not heathily having to re-unlock fighters in SF4/SSF4 as many times as I have)

Setting up such system isnt childs play - no doubt theres a lot of testing involved once its deployed. I cant imagine it will go down well if down the line the system fails and loses a load of saves etc...

ps3ud0 :cool:

That's 0 times for super.
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