Online Zombie Survival Game

Bashed a couple of Zeds around earlier, killed one, got another down a bit, got myself 51xp. Next level I'll either go for free running or get up to 65% pistol, not sure.
Zico said:
I've left one of my other char's outside the Urban, he's zombiefied and I've asked for a rev (but that hasn't stopped me taking a few pot shots at him/healing for XP ;)).
By the way, if this was detected by the server (not sure if there are any countermeasures) then it is considered cheating :)
I've got 51 pistol rounds (on a 55% chance) and 6 shotgun shells (30%), I think I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days :)
Just got to level 3 with some real time fighting (OMGs!) outside Urban General. Now got 55% Shotgun as well as Pistol. The ability to deal out 10 damage with more than half chance is pretty good :D Next will be free running probably, then possibly getting pistol up to 65% (or diagnosis, or construction, too many to choose :D).

I think everyone should aim for free running, that way we can occupy a two or more building block, barricade it highly, then come and go as we please from a neighbouring building. Being locked out by 'heavily' is very restricting, especially if it's a Police station, as we all need ammo!
Kinch heights seems to be pretty empty of Zombies atm, going to have to consider making a move (considering people are getting construction and free running now).
CliffyG said:
Does the hand to hand combat skill add to my 25% skill with fire axes (it is melee after all)?
Bogiee said:
Hi, OCUK Bogiee, in the police station below Urban Heights hospital at the mo, is there a plan forming?
Don't be daft, we don't do plans here.
However, I may very well feel like delegating 'plan making' to a crony, like all functional dictators should, won't see me ruining things by interfering like Hitler did in WW2, no sir.

Who want's to start making plans? (Failure to make good plans will see you put before a firing squad)
James Bond said:
I was just looking at the Wiki and saw the OcUK page. After reading the Dunell Hills Police Dept page, this got me thinking. Maybe we should attempt to create some services, etc like they did, only in Kinch Heights.

I know we have a few Scientists, etc lurking about that could really help in getting these services up and running. The Milverton Place Police Dept can become our Main HQ and an area for like minded survivors to gather. The Urban General Hospital will be very handy for healing people aswell.

Also, I discovered that the Nevill Building next to the Police Dept is also a Necrotech building. The Scientists could set-up a reviving centre here and gain extra experience by using the facilities associated with this building.

I was also thinking that the Civilian players could take on the role of tagging the local area and alerting survivors about the OcUK group.

James Bond = "O'Neill SG1" ingame name
Ahhh, didn't see this post :p someone is making plans.
Sounds like a good idea, although we will have to be wary not to make ourselves too known too quickly. Although we have large numbers, groups like the RRF can amass huge hordes of Zeds very quickly, and would probably love to take down a fledgling group trying to 'play with the big boys' so to speak. I'd be tempted to have a less inviting target as the base of operations, for example barricading the PD to attract Zeds, but being in a plain building of little significance which is lower profile, perhaps Heavily barricaded with only free running as a form of entry.

All just ideas of course, and open to discussion.
I think a revive point wouldn't be a bad idea, providing it was a fair enough trot from our base of operations, a revive point will attract unwanted attention as well.

I recommend everyone gets free running as soon as possible so we can move into a heavily barricaded building, the barricades on the buildings we're in currently keep wavering, but barricading them above VS is mean to n00bs.
Standing near where we are to get revived isn't the greatest of ideas, as it is heavily populated with survivors and they're all eager to get XP and lvl up. Go to a dedicated revive location for the best chance of being revived.
The wiki has a list of these if I remember correctly.
Hahahahaha, loving the wiki changes, sheer brilliance. Good call on the Mobile mast thingy, hadn't really considered it.

If we're going to fully secure the suburb of Kinch heights, we have to consider supporting the Uniform Barricading Policy

At the moment from what I've seen the Suburb follows it, as the Hospital and PD are both usually only VS, but we will have to accomodate those who choose to get Free Running (and don't have construction themselves) who wish to reside in a Heavily barricaded building. Coming up with some sort of 'map' or plan as to how each building could be barricaded, providing entrances of VS buildings into one or more Heavily barricaded buildings. This could be the first order of business for anyone who wishes to be 'Security Dood', or perhaps I could try and figure out one myself (well anyone is welcome to think of a plan).

firestrike said:
errr im i little confused now have we got a main meeting place or are we spread all over the place.
Urban General Hopsital in Kinch Heights. See map
CliffyG said:
I'm outside the hospital in Kinch, someone pls revive me before someone beats me up again.
St. Aidans Church has been designated the provisional revive point (as far as OcUK goes), however I'm not sure how many people have syringes and the ability to use them.
The PD and Hospital may not be the best places to call home if they are garner too much attention, they're always rammed full of people, and would be a juicy target for any hordes. Tomorrow when I get a moment I might try and figure out a Suburb barricading policy to benefit those with free running.
Got to level 6 finally \o/ Smoked 2 zeds in tapton with a fist full of boomstick, went up there with 12 shotgun rounds (all locked and loaded) and blew those suckers away :D
Phoenix211 said:
Ive joined up - Phoenix211

where the hell is the main stronghold then? I'm in the barstow arms in dartside atm :)
Urban General Hospital in Kinch Heights at the moment.
From the looks of things Urban General is starting to garner some serious Zed attention. It is in the best interests of everyone to move out of the Hospital to a less tasty safe house. I have no APs left tonight (in the PD) but in the morning I will move out and fortify another building to Heavily, with scope for others to join with Free Running.
All you need to do is put OcUK in your profile, then 'you're in' so to speak. The "Invite Only" part is just to encourage people to ask out of courtesy :)
There is no way of distinguishing group members other than their profile, however, some have "OcUK" in their name, but some (including myself) have omitted this.

And I doubt the sticky part, I'll put it in my first post though.
Kebby Way School is barricaded to Extremely Heavily if anyone wants to go there. Go into the PD and it's the block to the south west. Probably the best place for those with free running.
I'm going for Lab Experience next, then I'll spend lots and lots and lots and lots of APs looking for syringes to help out all our guys who are currently pushing up the daisies :p
manveruppd said:
a reasonably powerful lvl 2 zombie
reasonably powerful and lvl 2 really don't go together in the same sentence :p
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