Opening a pills packet ALWAYS gives me the end with the folded instructions!

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
My repeat prescription is 4 different types of pills and 2 different eye drops. It doesn't matter if the eye drops bottle diagram is the right up or not or if the pill packet is showing the front artwork or the GP's dosage note on the rear bit, but I have a knack of opening the end that contain the instructions folded around the pills / eye drops bottle.

Today, ALL 6 opened at the instructions end. Like a loaded dice.

Is this some sort of gambler's fallacy where the roulette wheel spins in red, so I bet on black and continue to bet on black, but it always lands on red for the rest of eternity.

Anyone else getting this?

Lighthearted @[FnG]magnolia thread (although I can't seem to tag him).
Try opening the box with your left hand. I think I read somewhere that they always put the folded end of the instructions toward the right, so with the box facing you, if you're right handed, you would tend to open that side first...thus you have to pull out the instructions before you get to the medication. Can't remember where I read it, and haven't tested the theory, so might be bobbins :p
I reported this as a bug (alongside the USB the wrong way at first attempt, and also somehow after flipping it) but Simdev said that this is in fact a feature.
It's because we live in some sort of simulation/construct that serves some sort of entity that lives off of human frustration and stress.

No other reasonable explanation for all this ****.
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