Opening discord is making my PSU click

Normally during a game or booting any game etc you never hear it at all, just the normal fans running. But discord didn't do this until today. Don't wanna go through the hassle of returning my system for this one issue tho, but don't want it breaking at the same time
I understand what you mean but the problem I'm having is that it never used to do it, and I've had it installed since day 1. I just tried running pubg and not a single sound. I then ran discord while pubg was on and the click was there. So it's not the fan turning on or off. Like I said I've had this for 6 days so it seems like the power supply may already be getting faulty if simply opening discord makes that sound.
Ok so I fixed the issue, it seemed to be the soundcard as bledd had mentioned. It only started happening once I allowed windows to use my mic with the win 10 version of skype, that I only put on the night before. Once I disabled windows using my mic for apps the sound is now gone, and discord is not causing an issue anymore. So it seems like the card was switching back and forth because of the windows skype forcing it off and on. Only a theory but it fixed the problem, kinda sad that Microsoft can't make a working app that doesn't mess with your card.
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