Openreach New FTTP Map updated

Edit: Actually zooming out most of the UK is now green. This is just a poor attempt to make it look like FTTP is far more readily available than it actually is. That's the truth of it.
Yes exactly this entire area is green and yet theres no service here other than a few properties and nothing in the pipeline according to other checkers and certainly no dates

edit: that other map is far more informative for this area with orange, black and white basically maybe, possibly, and no chance. Christ that really is depressing just the odd splash of blue among a sea of white and black and the occasional orange... and green, forget it.
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Openreach map saying my area is to build in future and Opemreach checker say between now and 2026 but they email me saying my property should get FTTP by end of June 2025.

Hi *******,

Thank you for your recent enquiry via regarding the availability of fibre broadband.

I have checked your previous enquiry and you mentioned you are deaf so I will reply via email.

I can see on the previous enquiry we did advise that Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband is coming to your property by the end of June 2025.

I’m sorry we cannot give you a more accurate date, and our plans are subject to change, but once the work is completed, you’ll be able to order Ultrafast Full Fibre from any one of the hundreds of broadband providers who are powered by our network.

The best way to keep up to date with our plans is to register your interest in Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband via our Fibre Checker. We’ll let you know if the plans change and when Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband is available to order.

If there are any changes to your plans etc, as long as you have signed up for updates on the above link we will email you and let you know.

At the moment you are still in plan for the end of June 2025.

We will keep your enquiry open for 3 days, if you have any further questions, please just reply to this email. If you have no further questions we will close the enquiry in 3 working days.

Kind regards,

Fibre enquiries

Fibre Network Delivery Customer Experience
Where I live has gone from no build plans, to we plan on at some completely undefined vague date in the future...
I think that column is supposed to indicate end of 2026, but to be honest there's so many exchanges in that column I can't see how it's possible for them at all given the rate they are moving at.
Just noticed it has been installed in my area, ordered gigafast internet with Sky. I just hope its a better experience than when i went with Virgins superfast.
Only just recently had both Openreach FTTP and VM enabled on my street but I'm moving to a new Persimmon development soon which only has FibreNest. :o
Well, a bit miffed here.

I pre-ordered through country broadband, Gigaclear and BT nearly 2 years ago.

Country broadband contacted me to say there were no longer covering my area.

My immediate neighbour has 900mb with Gigaclear and a couple of other immediate neighbours have fibre to house.

Gigaclear progressed to the order stage and confirmed an instal date for yesterday.

Guess what, they cancelled it.

Finally got a response from them:

Thank you for waiting. Unfortunately, this has been raised as a ready for service issue that we are currently trying to get resolved for you
The lead time for this is max 90 days. We do aim to have these resolved within 90 days. But the lead time itself is worst case scenario
this makes not sense
my immediate neighbour has Gigaclear 900 working
I do apologise
other neighbour a couple of doors down have fibre
why cannot we get it?
It looks as though there is a port missing and so external works need to be carried out before we can connect your current property

As for BT, If I check, some in our road (20 metres from my house) can get it but my house number cannot, what gives there.



3 doors down from me:


Then my address:


makes no sense at all.
Our exchange is in the same "in the future" status as last year and the year before.

I've got another year of FTTC with Plusnet on a deal, but we have local FTTP company (Connexin) who are doing installs now, but their CS reputation is a bit hit & miss, but if by this time next year there's no alternative I might need to switch to them for faster internet.
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