OpenTTD OpenGFX ( Transport Tycoon ) - [ Strategy / Gfx replacement ]

Cancel all your appointments, today we present you OpenTTD 1.2.0, the first stable release of the 1.2 series.

The new 1.2 has been released :D :D

Ofcause and standalone! :), doesn't need transport tycoon anymore as it can download the files it needs
1.2.3 (2012-11-01)

1.2.3-RC1 (2012-10-17)
- Change: [NewGRF] Set the reference brightness of 32bpp mask recolouring to 128 (r24610)
- Fix: Configure script did not properly handle _BUILD flags during reconfigure (r24601)
- Fix: Configure script failed to detect libfontconfig 2.10 as newer than 2.3 (r24598)
- Fix: When fontconfig is not available, the bootstrap download crashed [FS#5336] (r24597)
- Fix: Crash when a gamescript provided too many parameters to a GSText object [FS#5333] (r24593)
- Fix: [Script] API documentation mistakes/omissions (r24584)
- Fix: Do not add duplicates to the ban list [FS#5308] (r24580)
- Fix: Draw the window resize sprite bottom-aligned [FS#5324] (r24577)
- Fix: Vehicle list at buoys did no longer work [FS#5319] (r24576)
- Fix: [Windows] Do not cast away const in OS specific code (r24572, r24571)
- Fix: Naming of bundles was somewhat broken (r24569)
- Fix: Non-train vehicle lists were not resorted when vehicles were renamed [FS#5261] (r24567)
- Fix: Stop both price and payment inflation if either of them has reached MAX_INFLATION (r24565)
- Fix: Limiting the inflation did not quite work [FS#5312] (r24564)
- Fix: Do not show profit from refits as cost in the refit window [FS#5297] (r24544)
- Fix: Do not limit to reading one UDP packet per game loop (r24532)
- Fix: Max script chance was too big (r24531)
- Fix: [NewGRF] RandomAction 84 should interpret register 100 as signed (r24528)
- Fix: [OSX] Some compile problems in mac-only code [FS#5296] (r24524)
- Fix: The gender of an industry name is defined by the industry-type part of the name, not by the town-name part, even if it comes first (r24523, r24522)
- Fix: GStexts were compiled incompletely when containing certain string codes (r24516, r24515)
- Fix: The mousewheel did not work in the build waypoint window [FS#5285] (r24507)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Airport variables 60 to 65 and 69 used the wrong cargo translation table for translations (r24506)
- Fix: Do not show the global goals as company goals for spectators (r24500)
- Fix: Clarify description of command line option -n (r24485)
- Fix: Do not call RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache() before subsidy savegame conversion is finished [FS#5232] (r24482)
- Fix: Trains were unable to reverse in stations when using NPF (r24479)
- Fix: The --xxx yyy format (instead of --xxx=yyy) for configure did not work (r24471)
- Fix: --prefix was not accepted by configure (r24470)
- Fix: Changing auto-refit for a 'goto station' order was inadvertently modifying the full load state [FS#5264] (r24457)
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