Openvpn and pi hole on raspberry :(

Excellent, just transmission to install now then?

I think I'll leave mine alone now, don't want to tempt fate :D

I'm out and about most of the day so I'll do some speed tests over my mobile network and any public WiFi connections i come across.
Totally unrelated but it's all to do with that particular Pi - It's now got ddclient on it as well to automatically update my dynamic dns service.

I looked at ddclient then realised my router was already doing it, I'd set it up a couple of years ago for accessing my humax box :)

No problems to report with my set up, pi hole and openvpn have performed flawlessly so far.

In other news my pi zero w arrived along with the official case, I'm just waiting for a new release of motioneyeos with an update to include the wireless connection.
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