Openvpn and pi hole on raspberry :(

Just to confirm, after installing both PiVPN and Pi-Hole, the only tweaks you made were the dns entries in server.conf for the VPN (which should be taken care of as part of the install anyway) and those two lines at the bottom of dnsmasq.conf?

I'm installing the VPN now, will test that first and then add Pi-Hole afterwards. Assuming all OK, then I'll reinstall the UniFi controller.

/edit - I did choose a different port for the VPN but I forwarded it through the router so that shouldn't make any difference, surely.
Exactly, that's why I don't think it's important. This is a little frustrating, the actual initial install will only take a few minutes except for the key generation.
All back up and working now, installed PiVPN first, then Pi-Hole, testing after each installation to make sure it was working. Tweaked the two files and all is good.

Moving from the Pi Zero W on WiFi to a Pi2 on Ethernet has made a massive difference to throughput.

All these are measured on my MacBook - Admittedly it's on my LAN so it's a bit of a cheat when it comes to performance through the VPN. However, the speed test result of my MacBook through the Zero is the same as when I went out and tested through my phone.

Here's my broadband speed.

Here's the speedtest result when connected through the Pi Zero W.

And here's the speedtest result when connected through the Pi 2.

Massively faster using the Pi 2.

I'll do some more tests tomorrow but it's late and I'm not going out now.

I've also just reinstalled the UniFi controller and that seems to be working as well so I'm not grumpy any more.

This also means that I have a Pi Zero W sitting idle. I'll have to find something else for it to do.
Excellent, just transmission to install now then?

I think I'll leave mine alone now, don't want to tempt fate :D

I'm out and about most of the day so I'll do some speed tests over my mobile network and any public WiFi connections i come across.
No, I'm not going to bother with Transmission, it was a temporary thing to get a Pi image seeded and I didn't want it on my main box at the time. Now the demand isn't there, I don't mind it being hosted elsewhere. That box is done, no more changes to it.

I'm also out and about in a bit so will do some more speed testing remotely.
For my tests today, providing my 4G speed was good enough, I seemed to top out at around 10Mbps both up and down when connected via my home VPN. Sometimes I got a little higher download, the most was 12Mbps. I wasn't in any places where there were public WiFi access points so couldn't try any of those.
Totally unrelated but it's all to do with that particular Pi - It's now got ddclient on it as well to automatically update my dynamic dns service.
Totally unrelated but it's all to do with that particular Pi - It's now got ddclient on it as well to automatically update my dynamic dns service.

I looked at ddclient then realised my router was already doing it, I'd set it up a couple of years ago for accessing my humax box :)

No problems to report with my set up, pi hole and openvpn have performed flawlessly so far.

In other news my pi zero w arrived along with the official case, I'm just waiting for a new release of motioneyeos with an update to include the wireless connection.
I scrapped motionEye on my Zero W, the performance was just too slow to be useable.
Was out this evening and needed to use my phone - When accessing the internet, I noticed adverts. "Hang on", I thought and even though I was on 4G rather than public WiFi, I connected the VPN. No more adverts :D
Could anyone help please.

I have Pi-hole and Pivpn both working on a Pi3B+ however, open VPN only has add blocking when on my home network.

I've set the Pivpn's DNS the the Pi's ( but still the same?

Any ideas?

Check the dnsmasq thing - that's what broke my setup.

Anyway, openvpn was running on my router which has since developed a fault. I bought a google nest wifi to replace it, this doesn't have a VPN server so I installed pivpn instead. I experienced the issue where I could connect just fine but couldn't do anything else; updating my dnsmasq configuration sorted that. I didn't have to reinstall in a certain order either, just changing that configuration fixed it all.
I have Unifi controller, PiHole and PiVPN installed on mine, installed in that order..

Also acts as a wake on lan gateway for machines at home.
I have a daft question,

I followed a guide on another site to install pi vpn and have edited the config file to add pi hole ip for dns (as per members above) but seems a bit on the slow side?

I think I may of set pivpn up wrong, the only encryption options I had were 256kb - 512kb (around those figures) ... I chose the highest encryption so would this effect the speed?

I'm using a Pi3b+ I understand the stronger the encryption the more work the Pi has to do.


Speedtest shows without VPN

down: 40Mbps
up: 21

With VPN
down: 19Mbps
up: 6Mbps
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