Opera 10.63 & Memory Usage

12 Sep 2003
Newcastle, UK
Hello, does anyone here use Opera?

Noticed the other day it was using well over 200Mb of RAM, is this normal?

If I open Opera, it takes ~60Mb of RAM. Then if I open a Tab, it goes to about 75Mb. If I close the extra Tab down, it remains at 75Mb. :confused: Should it not return down to the original value?

I have Google on one Tab, and this page on another, and the memory usage is now 80Mb. Now, if I minimise Opera, the memory usuage (according to task manager) drops to 70Mb. Why does it go up when I maximise Opera and drop when minimised?

Any ideas? Is this normal behaviour?

Hmm, think I might have figured this out. Noticed a setting to cache pages in memory for faster viewing, this was set to 'Automatic'. I have limited this to 100Mb. Hopefully Opera won't use so much RAM after changing this setting.

Still interested in knowing why it uses less memory minimised...?
Either way the RAM usage is absolutely minimal anyway and unless your PC is low spec (1-2GB RAM) then you're not going to notice any difference if even that!
Think yourself lucky. Chrome is using close to 500MB of RAM at the mo.

Chrome increases cpu, gpu and ram uses as the number of pages increase (or content requires). This is the only reason it comes out better in so many tests than the other browsers.

However, it makes you wonder why (considering browsers are used for everything these days) the other browsers don't scale hardware use as much as chrome does. Googles seem to take the view there's no point in having all the hardware sitting there unused ;)

Which makes me wonder, wth is the op concerned about 15MB or ram? Even a mobile wouldn't be concerned about that.
Which makes me wonder, wth is the op concerned about 15MB or ram? Even a mobile wouldn't be concerned about that.

It not just 15mb of ram. The op wonder why opera STILL uses that 15mb since he closed the extra tab which is a valid question i think.

I think that deallocating memory(ram) requires some resources then maybe opera does it after a while so that it doesn't allocate and deallocate memory all the time . I mean opera may free that 15mb after 5 minutes or sth
All these are assumptions btw
It not just 15mb of ram. The op wonder why opera STILL uses that 15mb since he closed the extra tab which is a valid question i think.

Exactly. :)

And why when minimised does it reduce, yet the amount of tabs open hasn't changed.

Azuse05, I think you have mis-read my OP. I'm not "concerned", I just want to know if the amount of memory it is using is normal, and, why it doesn't appear to free up the RAM when you close tabs, etc. I have partly reduced this as I did not realise that it cached previous pages for quicker access.

However, 15Mb or 30Mb or whatever... it's still memory being used that I'd prefer the OS to have back instead of being held on to. :)
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