operating system

1 Feb 2007
As a gamer I want to run Windows, but what version.

I currently run WinXP prof on my sytem, but for my new build should i stick and get another WinXP prof licence or go for Windows Vista, and then should I go 32bit or 64bit

Plans are to run an O/C Q6600 with 4GB ram etc.

How stable are drivers for Vista now both 32 and 64 versions.

Vista 64 is getting much better supported, and will manage the 4gb of RAM a lot better.

You could trry dual booting both vista and XP incase one can't do something you need.

Although this should really have been posted in the software/OS forum.
Vista performance is generally a littles worse than XP for gaming on the same hardware and gaming sound features are worse. Barring only vista has DX10 graphics, XP's the current best choice if you want a wide range of new and old games to run today.

The 32 bit vs 64 bit issue applies to both xp and vista, its more about wether your hardware and software is being developed to use it. 64 bits still receiving less development and rarely tests as faster than 32 bit for gaming.


straight 32 bit xp for an easier life and DX9 performance

vista 32 bit if your a little techie and like getting things working

64 bit anything if your very techie and like problem solving more than gaming
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