#OperationGetSexy - Gareth's log

Current training schedule, for the record:

Mon/Weds/Fri: run
Tue: rest
Thu: lifting (minimal equipment, fast session)
Sat: lifting (upper)
Sun: lifting (lower)

Will probably phase out the yogging at the end of Couch-to-5K and start doing more sprinty-type stuff with the aim to return to rugby in the new year.
Couch to 5K week 2 day 2
Warm-up: 5 mins walk
Intervals (4): run 1:30, walk 2:00
Intervals (2): run 1:00, walk 1:00
Cool-down: 5 mins walk
Distance covered: 2.2 miles
Avg HR: 140bpm
Max HR: 189bpm
Weight 217.25lbs (15 st 7 1/4)
Waist 41"

Lowest weight and waist measurement of this cut, 20lbs lost in total now (although only 3lbs in last 4 weeks).

Failed to do my KB stuff yesterday.

Couch to 5K week 2 day 3
Warm-up: 5 mins walk
Intervals (6): run 1:30, walk 2:00
Cool-down: 5 mins walk
Distance covered: 2.5 miles
Avg HR: 145bpm*
Max HR: 186bpm*
*My HR monitor and the Strava app went funny again so I have a big spike up to 230bpm. Therefore I assume 145 is a little high as an average and I had to take a stab at the max based on Strava's HR graph.

Wednesday's run was the toughest yet. This was quite comfortable for the first 4 intervals but the last two were tougher. This was my longest total distance covered so far, and also my fastest mile (11:08) and 1/2 mile (4:58).

Training Saturday 22nd Nov @ home - upper body

In the rain once again!

A1 Fat grip bench press clusters - 3 x (5 x 1) x 80kg
A2 JG inverted rows - 3 x 8

B1 Barbell bent-over row - 3 x 8 x 42.5kg
B2 Overhead KB press - 3 x 6/side x 20kg

C1 Band Pallof press - 3 x 8/side with 2 red bands
C2 JG shoulder finisher - 3 x 5/5/5
Training Sunday 23rd Nov @ home - lower body

A Front squats - 4 x 3 x 85kg (back to week 1 of cycle)

B RDLs - 4 x 8 x 95kg

C1 Barbell bridge - 3 x 8 x 75kg
C2 Barbell roll-out - 3 x 8
Couch to 5K week 3 day 1 (Monday)
Warm-up: 5 min walk
1:30 run, 1:30 walk
2 x 2:30 run, 2:30 walk
1:30 run, 1:30 walk
Cool-down: 5 min walk
Avg HR: 135bpm*
Max HR: 18bpm*
Distance covered: 2.2mi

*Had the usual Strava app/HR issue so these may not be accurate

Couch to 5K week 3 day 2 (Wednesday)
Warm-up: 5 min walk
1:30 run, 1:30 walk
2 x 2:30 run, 2:30 walk
1:30 run, 1:30 walk
Cool-down: 5 min walk
Avg HR: 141bpm
Max HR: 190bpm
Distance covered: 2.1mi
Couch to 5K week 3 day 3 (Friday)
Warm-up: 5 min walk
2:00 run, 2:00 walk
2 x 3:00 run, 3:00 walk
2:00 run, 2:00 walk
Cool-down: 5 min walk
Avg HR: 140bpm
Max HR: 197bpm
Distance covered: 2.3mi

Week 3 done. Week 4 really starts ramping up the running intervals and total time running each session.

Training Sat 29th Nov @ home - upper body

A1 Bench press - deload-ish, easy 5s - 60, 65, 70, 70, 70
A2 JG inverted rows - 4 x 8

B1 Barbell rows - 3 x 8 x 45kg, 8 x 40kg
B2 OH KB press - 4 sets/side with 16kg: 1 x 10 reps, 3 x 8

C1 JG push-ups - 2 x 12
C2 Band Pallof press - 2 x 8/side with 2 red bands
Weight 217.25lbs / 15 stone 7 1/4
Waist 40.5"

Training Sunday 30th Nov @ home - lower body

A Front squats - 5 x 3 x 95kg
On set 1 I had the bar too low down my shoulders and I almost lost it on the last rep. From then on I set-up with it tight against my throat. It felt way more stable but it did affect my ability to take a big breath between sets, and my throat still feels a little scratchy now! The actual squats were easy; my upper back was holding me back slightly.

B RDLs - 3 x 12 x 80kg
I did 4 x 8 x 95 last week and I couldn't be bothered to load more weight on the bar after front squats (particularly as I had to strip weight off to get it from the stands to the floor), so I went more reps instead.

C1 Barbell bridge - 3 x 8 x 75kg
C2 Front plank - 3 x 45 seconds
Did Couch to 5K week 4 days 1 and 2 on Monday and Wednesday. Now up to running for 5 minutes at once.

Meanwhile here's some proper training.

Training Thurs 4th Dec @ home: December Deadlifts in the Dark

A: Deadlift
5 x 60kg
3 x 100
2 x 140
1 x 160
Belt on
2 x 170
2 x 3 x 160
Not too shabby (especially given I've only pulled with a straight bar once in the last three years and my only deadlifts in the last 12 months were two trap bar sessions last month), I'd put my max around 185-190 for the moment.

B1 JG rows - 3 x 8
B2 KB swings - 3 x 10 x 20kg
Did Couch to 5K week 4 day 3 yesterday, so now half way through that. Also hit new low weight of 216lbs (15st 6).

Training Sat 6th Dec @ home - upper body

Can't have been much above freezing during this session - may even have been at freezing or below. The bar was so cold I had to put my lycra running gloves on during my floor press sets.

A1 Floor press: 5 x 60kg, 70kg, 75kg, 77.5kg, 80kg - all pretty easy
A2 Jungle Gym inverted rows: 4 x 8

B1 Barbell row: 3 x 8 x 50kg - these seem to be getting easier as they get heavier
B2 OH KB press: 3 x 10/side x 16kg - challenge here is holding core tight and not flexing/rotating/bending as weight goes up

C1 Jungle Gym push-ups: 3 x 12 - tough
C2 Tall kneeling band Pallof press: 3 x 8/side with 2 red bands - I like these
Training Sun 7th Dec @ home - lower body

Another freezing cold one. Hands almost stuck to the bar during RDLs!

A: Front squats (deload) - 5 x 3 x 77.5kg
Was meant to be 3 x 3 but I had some form issues in warm-up and on first set, so I did 3 good sets and then one more for luck (the last one was the worst form-wise!). Key takeaway points: keep grip narrow and don't wear a top with a thick band around the neck!

B1: RDLs - 3 x 8 x 100kg
B2: KB goblet squat - 3 x 8 x 24kg

C1: Barbell bridge - 2 x 12 x 60kg
C2: Prone plank arm march - 2 x 6/side
Couch to 5K week 5 days 1 & 2 in the books. Longest run interval so far is 8 minutes. Creeping up slowly (inertia creeps). Weight down to 215lbs / 15st 5 yesterday.

Training Thurs 11th Dec @ home - December deadlifts in the dark

****ing down with rain tonight. Had to drape a towel over the bar between sets to stop it getting too wet to grip.

Deadlifts - 5 x 2 x 150kg (80%), with belt
KB swings - 3 x 10 x 24kg

That'll do.
Weight just under 15st 4 yesterday.

Training Sat 13th Dec @ home - upper body

BBC weather reckons it was 0-1 degrees outside during this. Certainly felt it, although it was sunny so that helped! Had to wear gloves during most of this :o

A1 Floor press - 2 x 5 x 80kg, 2 x 5 x 75kg
A2 Jungle Gym inverted row - 4 x 8

B1 BB row - 8 x 55kg, 2 x 8 x 50kg
B2 OH KB press - 3 x 8/side x 16kg
Training Sun 14th Dec @ home - lower

It was a comfortable temperature tonight (6 degrees maybe?) and not raining. First time in a while.

A: Front squats
3 x 105kg
2 x 105kg - tipped forward slightly at the bottom and the bar rolled out of position so I bailed onto the safeties
3 x 105kg
1 x 105kg (making up the rep I missed)
This was week 4 of the cycle (3x3@85%) so back to week 1 again next week with a bit more added to the max.

B1: RDLs - 3 x 8 x 105kg
B2: Tall-kneeling band Pallof press - 3 x 8/side with 2 red bands
This might sound really dumb, but imagine as if your neck is being yanked back as you get to the hole...

Also, imagine you are pulling your heels down and back when you drive out the hole as I find it helps keep my hips close to the center of gravity and reduce the strain on the upper back...

Thanks I'll try and remember this next Sunday. The limiting factor is definitely my upper back/technique rather than leg strength! As you can see I'm going below parallel but didn't really feel like I had any issues in the actual "squat" part.
I suspect I'm sitting back a bit too much as a habit from my powerlifting days. I guess I'll keep hammering my upper back strength (which is pitiful) and throw in some more t-spine mobility stuff.
Now in week 6 of Couch to 5k and up to running 10 min intervals. Tomorrow is the last session with a walking break, Monday is a 20 min run.

Training Thurs 18th Dec @ home - December Deadlifts in the Dark

Having had some back pain this last week or so I decided to knock the straight bar deadlifts on the head for a while and bust out my trusty trap bar.

A: Trap bar deadlifts - high handles
3 x 155kg
3 x 175
2 x 3 x 165
3 x 155

B1: Jungle Gym inverted rows - 3 x 8 (shortened straps on last set)
B2: Jungle Gym push-ups - 3 x 10
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