#OperationGetSexy - Gareth's log

Missed my last lifting session. Oops. I will squat tomorrow.

Training run
5.1 miles in 45:57 (9:01 mins/mile)

Splits: 8:37, 8:43, 9:01, 9:26, 9:21

Avg HR 173, max 182

Felt good throughout. First 2.5 miles or so I was in a good rhythm but then I turned into a headwind and it sapped the energy from my legs. From then on I couldn't find that easy rhythm again and my pace dropped. I need to do some faster 4-5 mile runs at the weekends instead of just doing 5Ks.
Training Weds 25th March

A: Front squat
2 x 5 x 87.5kg
2 x 5 x 82.5
All beltless. Dropped the weight as I was struggling to stay upright. On the final rep of set 4 I stumbled forwards about half way up and almost dropped the bar.

B: Circuit
3 rounds of:
10 x BB inverted rows (pronated grip)
10 x band-resisted push-ups (mini band)
10 x 28kg KB swings
Training Fri 27th March

A: Bench press
5/3/1 week 3
5 x 77.5kg
3 x 87.5
5 x 97.5 - felt solid, 4th & 5th reps really slow, so this is probably about my 5RM for now

3 x 1 x 90 - all paused with about 45 seconds rest between

B: Chin-ups
3 x 5 x BWT

C1: Barbell inverted rows - pronated grip
3 x 8

C2: KB goblet squats
3 x 8 x 16kg - just a bit of hip mobility

D: Standing band Pallof press
3 x 8/side with purple band
Training run
4.0 miles in 34:10 (8:32 mins/mile)

Splits: 8:09, 8:37, 8:41, 8:40

Avg HR 176, max 191

Set out aiming for 4 miles in under 34 mins and just missed that goal by a few seconds. It's really windy today and the headwind did for me on mile 2, slowing me down slightly but also sapping my legs - the first half of mile 3 and the last half of mile 4 were really tough going.


Weight now 90kg ish. I've got about 8kg / 1 stone to go before I'm where I want to be I reckon.

First pic - October 2012 @ 108kg ish
Second pic - today
Training run
6.99 miles in 1:03:38 (9:06 mins/mile)

Splits: 9:04, 9:09, 9:10, 8:58, 9:10, 9:14, 8:59

Avg HR 174, max 182

Pleased with this. It's really windy here today (gusts of over 40mph) so at times this was not pleasant (particularly in the first half mile when I was running into the wind + freezing rain). Thankfully it was sunny for the whole run except for a bit of rain at the start and end.

This is my first run over 6 miles, and thus my first 10km. My Garmin has me at just under 57 mins for the 10km, which is decent considering I was deliberately running an easy pace. I had only intended to run 6 miles but I felt so good as I reached the 5 mile mark that I took a detour along the river. I didn't wear a base layer under my shirt and had my first experience of nipple chafing... ouch.
Nice gains man, good progress too!

Thank you sir.

Training Thurs 2nd April

A: Sumo deadlift
Worked up to 3 x 2 x 160kg with a belt - pretty comfortable

B: OH press
5/3/1 week 2
3 x 45kg
3 x 50
7 x 55kg

C: Turkish get-up
2 x 2/side x 16kg

D1: 1-arm KB row
Opposite hand & knee on bench
3 x 8/side x 28kg

D2: KB swing
3 x 10 x 28kg
Training run

3 miles in 25:20 (8:26 mins/mile)

Splits: 7:52, 8:35, 8:51

Avg HR 169, max 176

Felt hard today. Went off quickly but tired before end of first mile and it felt sloppy thereafter. Was planning to do 4 miles but cut it short.
Training Mon 6th April

Front squat
All belted
2 x 5 x 90kg
2 x 5 x 95
5 x 90

3rd set:

OH press
5/3/1 week 3
5 x 50kg
3 x 55
4 x 60

8 x 80kg
8 x 85
8 x 90

JG rows
4 x 8
Training run
7 miles in 1:14:00 (10:33 mins/mile)

Splits: 8:50, 9:12, 9:29, 9:50, 10:23, 13:40, 12:24

Avg HR 165

This sucked. I cruised through the first two miles without any problems, slowed down on mile 3 and by mile 4 I was struggling a bit. By the end of mile 4 I couldn't feel my left foot, so I stopped to loosen my shoe. I walked for a couple of minutes to get the feeling back and then resumed running. From here on, it just plain sucked - every few minutes I lost the will and the energy and took a walking break.

I'm trying to work out why this run sucked so much when I aced the same distance last week, and I think the main factor is that I hit my legs pretty hard yesterday - my hamstrings DOMS are pretty bad today. It's also relatively warm today, so that wouldn't have helped.

With only 4 weeks to go before the 10k, I'm going to need to prioritize my running training. So I'll dial back the lower body lifting volume and try to make sure that I keep at least one day of rest between heavy squats/deadlifts and a run.
Training Thurs 9th April

Glorious sunshine - shorts & t-shirt training weather at last :)

A: Bench press
5/3/1 week 1
5 x 70kg
5 x 80
11 x 90 - 11th rep a proper grinder
Compared to 11 x 87.5 in cycle 3 week 1 and 10 x 90 in c2w2. My bench press is as strong as ever relative to my bodyweight. I think my lifetime PB for 10 reps is 97.5kg but I was at a bodyweight of something like 96-97 then whereas I'm at 90-91 now.

B1: Band Pallof press
3 x 8/side with purple band

B2: More bench press
2 x 8 x 80kg

C1: 1-arm KB row
Knee & hand on bench
3 x 8/side x 28kg

C2: KB swing
3 x 10 x 24kg
Training run
3.84 miles in 31:49 (8:17 mins/mile)

Splits: 7:40, 8:23, 8:22
8:59 pace for the last 0.84 miles (I did consciously back off slightly)

Avg HR 175, max 183

Solid effort. Pushed hard for the first three miles then backed off a bit for the last one. Happy with almost 4 miles at my target 10K pace with one month to go.
Training run
5.41 miles in 51:23 (9:30 mins/mile)

All splits between 9:10 and 9:43

Avg HR 170, max 181

Deliberately took it easier today after last week's longer run. This was mostly fine but my shins/plantars felt a bit beaten up (probably from playing rugby on rock-hard ground in boots with no foot support), so that was the main limiting factor, otherwise I would probably have been around 9:10-9:20 pace.
Training Tues 14th April

A: OH press
5/3/1 week 1
5 x 40kg
5 x 45
9 x 52.5
+2 reps from 4 weeks ago

2 x 10 x 42.5

B: Front squat
3 x 3 x 80kg - no belt

C1: JG inverted rows
4 x 8

3 x 8 x 80kg
Training run
1.6 miles in 14:33 (8:43 mins/mile)
1.6 miles in 14:08 (8:38 mins/mile)

I had an osteopath appointment (general tune-up) so I parked at the Park & Ride on the edge of Oxford and ran in to the centre, then back again after my appointment. There was a break of about 45 minutes between the two efforts. It felt pretty leisurely, although it was hot (23C when I got back to my car!).
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