OpethLover or PH46607's HST Trunk.

Talking rests, I've started doing 60 sec rests coming from 3 minutes... totally not used to it at first but now it feels very right. People keep coming in and talking to me and I'm too polite to tell them to **** off! Before it wasn't a problem but now if I rest more than 90 seconds I get bad feels.
Yesterday was my 4th session on the 15rms.


Everythings going well. Im noticing my shoulders filling out a little, especially in the traps. Bench is feeling very easy hardly feeling any burn. Very tempted to increase the weight on the 6th (last 15rm session) although i could just leave it at the usual increments for the last 2 sessions. I dont know yet.

The digs are getting easier, still weight assisted but gradually bringing them down. I do okay until the 12/13 then im burning. I did have to stop around 10-11 on the pull ups. My Body just says no. This is my fault for not training properly and doing pull ups all my life.

I swapped to Lateral raises thanks to Benny's advice. Can i use the excuse that my arms are too long and cant lift bigger weight? :D

Im feeling new aches on a morning. My lower back, is this due to the RDL's? Hopefully because im doing them right. I will get a form video up on my Sunday session. Also my legs are starting to feel like this.. It has to be down to the calf raises. I am such a knob for not training properly before..


Erm, im going to give the whole CBL thing ago and take it serious so their will be loads of questions coming up. Probably more on the FB group. <3

Edit: nearly forgot

Oh man, check your GIFs for nakedness! It took me a few cycles at first to stop focussing on dem buns, but... yeah. Don't make me be that guy.
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It could just be the load giving you lower back DOMS, there shouldn't be any flexion/extension during the lift though.

Might want to wait until you finish this cycle of HST before starting CBL as you will need a 7 day prep phase which will likely wreak havoc with your workouts as they stand.
It could just be the load giving you lower back DOMS, there shouldn't be any flexion/extension during the lift though.

Might want to wait until you finish this cycle of HST before starting CBL as you will need a 7 day prep phase which will likely wreak havoc with your workouts as they stand.

It could be bad form then? I am working on my ROM which i think is getting better. The RDL's are new for me so i could just be doing them wrong. Will definetly get a video up. Nip it in the bud while the weights are light.

I dont feel it the day after the session, but i feel the ache/burn during workout aswel as the hammys.

Good call on the CBL. Ill probably get everything i need so its their and waiting :). Thanks mate.

Update 29th September.

So im on my 3rd session of the 10rm's. Loving the routine and the amount of time im actually spending in the gym. Being quite focused about it.

I have made some weight changes from the week i did the 15,10 & 5s. I think i was going abit too easy on myself, so i thought i would up the weight. Working out quite well.

The only decrease in weight i have decided to change after this was the shrugs. I used 42.5kg dumbbells yesterday and noticed i wasnt getting full ROM (shoulders felt like i was lifting half way) so i thought it would be best to bring them down 10kg and get full range for the last 3 sessions.

Thinking of changing out the calf raise. Not really noticing much change after the 2 sets. Maybe too little weight.

Other than the above its going well. Noticing a bigger improvement in my shoulders than before. The RDL's are hopefully looking better. (Will post in the form thread).

The weights:

I would quit messing around with weights bro, you want dat der progression, not weight flying all over the place up or down. I understand your "weight too low" feel, just be careful as with too much shifting around it's possible to undermine one of the fundamental principles of the routine.
Post from earlier didn't post, grrr.

Glad you're enjoy it as much as I'm enoying that .gif hnnggg

I would quit messing around with weights bro, you want dat der progression, not weight flying all over the place up or down. I understand your "weight too low" feel, just be careful as with too much shifting around it's possible to undermine one of the fundamental principles of the routine.


That said if you feel a load is too much and is adversely effecting the exercise/recruitment/form you're right to reduce it imo/ime.
I would quit messing around with weights bro, you want dat der progression, not weight flying all over the place up or down. I understand your "weight too low" feel, just be careful as with too much shifting around it's possible to undermine one of the fundamental principles of the routine.

Post from earlier didn't post, grrr.

Glad you're enjoy it as much as I'm enoying that .gif hnnggg


That said if you feel a load is too much and is adversely effecting the exercise/recruitment/form you're right to reduce it imo/ime.

Cheers you two for the replys.

Yeah, i change the loads before i started the actual 10's. Not half way through like my post suggests. For example i think i set my max 10s at 80 for squatting. Put it up to 90. I was only cutting 10kg off the shrugs because i wasnt getting my shoulders up fully and knew i would struggle towards my 6th workout.
Nothing wrong with that at all.

Just bear in mind submaximal loads are still beneficial :) leaving yourself a little buffer for the following cycle will mean you can continue the constant progression rather than actually max out too soon, if that makes sense.
Please post some weights lifted in text bro, your images don't show up on my work internet and I can't remember if your strength is as non-existent as mine.
Will update now for you batman.

									15	RM						10	RM						[COLOR="Navy"]5	RM	1RM[/COLOR]
	Exercises			inc	1	2	3	4	5	6	inc	1	2	3	4	5	6	inc	
1	Back Squat*			2.5	47.5	50.0	52.5	55.0	57.5	60.0	2.5	77.5	80.0	82.5	85.0	87.5	90.00	
2	RDL				2.5	47.5	50.0	52.5	55.0	57.5	60.0	2.5	77.5	80.0	82.5	85.0	87.5	90.00	
3	Bench*				2.5	32.5	35.0	37.5	40.0	42.5	45.0	2.5	47.5	50.0	52.5	55.0	57.5	60.00
4	Dips				2.5	65.0	57.5	57.5	42.5	35.0	65.0	2.5	35.0	35.0	27.5	27.5	27.5	20.00
5	Chin Ups			2.5	42.5	42.5	42.5	35.0	35.0	30.0	2.5	35.0	35.0	BW	BW	BW	BW	
6	BB Rows*			2.5	27.5	30.0	32.5	35.0	37.5	40.0	2.5	47.5	50.0	52.5	55.0	57.5	60.00	
7	Seated Shoulder Press*		0	10.0	12.5	12.5	17.5	17.5	20.0	2.5	15.0	17.5	20.0	20.0	22.5	25.00
8	Lateral Raise			1				9.0	9.0	10.0	1	10.0	10.0	10.0	12.5	12.5	12.50	
9	Seated Delt Raise		2.5	10.0	10.0	10.0	10.0	10.0	12.5	2.5	12.5	12.5	15.0	15.0	15.0	17.50	
10	Shrugs				2.5	17.5	17.5	17.5	20.0	22.5	25.0	2.5	27.5	30.0	32.5	35.0	37.5	40.00	
11	DB Curls			1	10.0	12.5	12.5	15.0	15.0	17.5	1	12.5	15.0	17.5	20.0	20.0	22.50	
12	Rope Pushdown			2.5	37.5	40.0	42.5	45.0	47.5	50.0	2.5	47.5	50.0	52.5	55.0	57.5	60.00	
13	Calf Press/Raise		2.5	12.5	15.0	17.5	20.0	22.5	25.0	2.5	22.5	25.0	27.5	30.0	32.5	35.00

Edit: Deleted the 5rm stats with them being out of date and wrong weight..

This should help.

Might as well do an update while im here.

I should have been on the last (6th) session of my 10rm's although i had to emergency babysit on sunday so it was meant to be tonight. Now for some reason my poverty bank account will not allow me to go until Friday. Overspent at the weekend like a plum and the gym i go to will not let me bring my DD's forward 2 week! (When i get paid). So please be with me and send me you eFeelz.

Going to post some form vids in the other thread for your critiqueeeez
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Bro, it doesn't seem like you're guesstimating your RMs very well. The jump from a 15RM of 60KG to a 10RM of 90KG looks real freaky to me, and after consulting my handy book of dreams it seems I'm correct to be freaked. Your 15RM should be around 65% of your 1RM, and your 10RM about 75%. Yours are definitely not that! Unless your body simply starts to fall apart when doing 11 reps or more, I'd be willing to bet either you haven't estimated your RMs correctly or your form is all kinds of ****ed up.

For reference, my 15RM squats was 65, my 10RM was 77.5 (and even that was 2.5 higher than is should have been because I screwed up an incriment)
My bench 15RM was 50, my 10RM was 55...
For comparison (no e-peen intended) of progression:

Last HST cycle: 15,10,5
Bench, 85, 97.5, 112.5
Squat, 100, 120, 142.5

This Cycle: 12, 8, 4
Bench: 95, 110, 120
Squat: 100, 125, 155/160?

This cycles figures are probably out a bit in comparison to my log as they're off the top of my head. Squats were boxed up until 4's so marginally harder with no stretch reflex which accounts for no notable progression.

I don't think there is always a linear correlation between rep ranges and weights used though a 30KG jump between 15's and 10's does seem like a big jump.

But bear in mind being this being his first HST cycle and his first experience of 15's chances are the 15's weight is lower due to not being conditioned for the strength endurance required rather than miscalculating. If that makes any sense.
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