Opinion from people who watch 24 and Lost & Sopranos

Of the two, my preference is for the third - Sopranos.

Lost bored me rigid and I never got the point of being hooked by plot twists, as I'd given up before then.

24 was tolerable for season 1, but the disjointed visual methods and patronising reminders put me off. I persisted through season 2, somewhat reluctantly, and then, as with Lost, gave up.

Sopranos is far from my favourite, but IMHO, infinitely better than either Lost or 24, both of which do no better than 3/10 from me.
out of lost and 24, 24, though i've not watched all of it. Lost can be a bit dull, but my biggest gripe is their obsession with introducing new things in one episode then never explaining them, though maybe they'll tie them up in the future.

having said that, sopranos for me is the best television series i've ever seen, its just so well written. Can't wait for series 6 to start in the uk.
I do have to say that if you watch 24 sequentially season 5 is probably some of the best TV ever made. I adore Sopranos as well but 24 just pips it for me. As to Lost I agree with what most people say here - good but sometimes too often leaves me asking what the hell is going on. :)
Dont watched the other two they look boring but I watch sopranos which is good but I really dislike tony and thought he would get pwned but its the season finale not the final ever episode:(

24 just plain gets on my nerves, with he invincible Jack Bower. Lost is good, but it leaves me quite confused at times!
24 deffo, its always action packed and exciting, something which can't be said about Lost which was brilliant in season 1 but is now going a bit stale.
its strange, I find it realy hard to get into 24, I always end up missing some episodes etc and find that its a bit silly for me to start watching S3-4 (whatever we are on now) when I've missed all that came before.
I may get the DVD set or somthing and watch it then.
I suppose its kinda like BSG in its layout tho yeah?
OCdt Stringy said:
Lost is far too random for me, I enjoy watching it, but it leaves me feeling a bit miffed.

indeed! cliffhangar, wait a week.. another cliffhangar, wait a week.. another cliffhangar, wait a week.. another cliffhangar e.t.c
so little of the story has even been told yet and theyve made like 45 eps+. and i hope it doesnt drag on for another 2 or 3 seasons as that will annoy me even more lol.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
The first couple of hours were, the rest of the day has completely changed and the story has taken many twists and turns.
just asking ive seen it, the ending seems good cant wait for the last one..
24 !

Season 2 episode 20 was fatastic (when i was in USA last week) not really got into 24... almost feel like it's to late to start! would take me a shed load of hours to catch up!
Crazy Fool said:
24 !

Season 2 episode 20 was fatastic (when i was in USA last week) not really got into 24... almost feel like it's to late to start! would take me a shed load of hours to catch up!

Don't say that!!

I only bought season 1 of 24 last christmas and since then have bought season 2,3,4 on DVD. I'm waiting for the season 5 DVD because i cannot be bothered with waiting each week, that, and the adverts.

In conclusion: It's never too late.
Jet said:
Don't say that!!

I only bought season 1 of 24 last christmas and since then have bought season 2,3,4 on DVD. I'm waiting for the season 5 DVD because i cannot be bothered with waiting each week, that, and the adverts.

In conclusion: It's never too late.

yeah i know, but it makes me feel sad to think i would give up all those hours for a TV proggy.... :p
24 is by far the best.

Lost is watchable and good. But far too slow and never awnsers any questions. And I've almost finished watching series2
Reailty TV (big brother etc)
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