Opinions on 350z anyone?

Noxis said:
Ford Focus on Steroids.... with a french engine :p

But then I have to say that as a mortal enemy of my RX8!

Saying that I do prefer the RX8 to a 350Z, the inside is better, it has 4 seats it handles better although it does have a bit less power.
quite a bit :P, i have to say the RX8 is nice but i made my mind up instantly after driving both within half an hour of each other sure the rx8 has 4 seats and probably has better quality interior but that wasnt a priority of mine (id come from a 330ci for christ sake) plain and simple I wanted fun and it was the 350Z that gave it to me and simply the RX8 didnt, it handled ok but the engine is weak even though it revs high, didnt even match the 330ci's 231 bhp being the same output
dilated said:
I have to say I like the mazda too, not sure why.

That says a lot as a small time nissan fan boy, ex-s12 and s13 owner who still hankers for a g20 gt and (strangely) a maxima/qx.

G20? do you live in the USA or somefink lol. the only thing i wish the UK specs had was LSD like the US counterparts, i think i would be nicer with than without. still... (pats his 1999 GT LE)
Nickg said:
G20? do you live in the USA or somefink lol. the only thing i wish the UK specs had was LSD like the US counterparts, i think i would be nicer with than without. still... (pats his 1999 GT LE)
LOL, no Im not yank. A mate (whos had 2 of them) always calls them this - guess it has stuck.
The_Dark_Side said:
comparing is easy, deciding if you genuinely would part with your own money is a lot more difficult.
the M car will hold a larger percentage of it's resale value (unless for some reason supplies of the 350 are limited).
then we have running costs, purchase costs, image and practicality...all of which make zero difference when we're deciding which we prefer, but in the real world these can be deal breaker qualities.
I would debate on the resale valuetbh, ive known many m3 owners loosing big time after 2-3 years
Noxis said:
the inside is better, it .
Look pretty similar to me :P


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The_Dark_Side said:
the first few years i agree.
after that though used M3 values are strong.
maybe, it still early days for the z's (UK ONES) obviously the bm's will hold money better but there more expensive to buy and run so its swings and roundabouts really
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