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Opinions on a quiet 3070 GPU?

25 Nov 2020
Hi all, I hope you're well today.

My head is almost fried looking at GPUs for my build. I went down a rabbit hole or two but I have finally settled on an RTX 3070 GPU. Now I need to figure out which variant suits me the best. Quite a lot of the models I have tried to find reviews on have not turned up enough to convince me.

Can anyone advise on a nice and quiet 3070 GPU? I am more concerned about noise levels than thermal performance. I don't think I'll stress out the GPU in my machine with programs like Inventor, AutoCAD and the occasional game of Factorio. I appreciate there may be cheaper options but I like the idea of having a recent card that should cover a few future releases of Inventor.

I like the look of the Gigabyte Vision OC 3070 - a very good looking card. I did read on the forums that some have had connector issues though..
Aside from that, I'm struggling to find information on the quieter cards without sifting through them one-by-one, all the while they're going out of stock so I need to act relatively swiftly.

Looking forward to pointers for a quiet 3070! Thanks in advance.
25 Nov 2020
Just pounced on a 3070 card that went in stock - MSI gaming trio for £640. Not sure how I feel about it. It went out of stock immediately but it could be we all thought "buy now, think later".

Will continue to look for better deals and return it if I am successful.

Man I dislike being ripped off, even during stock shortages
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