Opinions please (teenagers especially!)

Minesweeper? nobodys going to want to play that, that's just asking for a hacking. Minesweepers boring. Go for a game that keeps people entertained tbh, like UT:GOTY
When I was school, the technicians got so fed up they just banned anyone from using the internet at one point. This being about 5 years ago. I just said I needed it back for coursework and 5 minutes later, I was the only one in my year who had access. Meh, I hated school.
Sounds like a good idea, as the C drive restricion doesnt work ;)

As me and my friends broke in countless times during lunch for quake 2 and UT LAN parties :D

Both were installed on every HD in the room (yes, even the teachers), and when they formatted we had them back within a day or two.
Well the C:\Program Files restriction doesn't work (if you're using CC3). It's pointless for them to rebuild the machines (format) because games can be put on in minutes, rebuilds take hours.
Ive never once came across a piece of software written for windows that (despite the techie's best efforts) didnt let me do what I wanted, when I wanted.

Back in the old days, I had admin access to the Netware admin stuff within a week.

On windows 2000 they had Ranger - took a while to get past it all but eventually we were having networked Quake 3 games on the school LAN.

When the security wasnt there, my group of mates didnt really do much but as soon as the restrictions started happening we were bypassing them as soon as we could just because we could.

At uni, there is next to no security but they log anything/everything. If you break something or get criminal, you get booted from the uni and the police are called. Far better than any security policy...
At college I bypassed anything purely because I could - boredom. Never vandalised anything. At uni I have more respect for the computers anyway, they're no where near as strict, but i'm sure if you did something bad, they'd know about it and deal with it.
i work in a school teaching an after school session on the PC's and generally help out, (yes it is the 6th form i was expelled from) the kids that play the games do respect them more, we have tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays after school for a few hours as a LAN for midgets basically. takes lots of time and tolerance though
What I said earlier though, is the ones who are vandalising the computers are likely to do it either way. Although you could probably ask the ones who appreciate the games on the PCs to point out those responsible and they can game as a reward.

Personally, I think the games wont work.
Try it and see, those who will be trying to bypass security are more likely to be interested in games etc perhaps using the games as an incentive ie. alowing everyone to play but anyone caught or suspected of messing with anything has gameplaying privelages revoked.

Physical damage in my experience is mostly mindless by neds so sticking with the usual detention, etc is probably best for that sort of thing.

Never been one to have to work to get around my schools weak system, doesnt block anything really and we have access to the works bigest problem the admin ever had was when downloaded music filled up the lol 90GB HD in the server.
Wont work m8 tbh...

Just install a load of dummy cameras in all the IT Suites, will cost a pittance and will dissuade majority of vandals from messing with your stuff... Don't tell anyone bar the person you actually need to get permission from that they're fake... even staff.
back in the day (when i was at school) 10years ago we had late night doom and doom 2 sessions on the small network of PC's that we had but it didnt stop people from breaking things. the Physical power of the many unwilling to learn tiped the scale of the few with respect for the cost of the hardware.
nah it wouldnt work.

not that most of the people in my I.T class work anyway but if they had games to play then they would do no work at all.
but then again none of the PC's in my school have got CD/DVD drives from them being damaged :o
Stellios said:
we can do almost everything but get admin rights
On the local machine? Can't you just stick the Ultimate Boot CD in and blank the admin pass (offline NTFS editing). And if the BIOS is blocked for boot menu, just open the case and clear the CMOS? ;).... Or have I missed something. I'd never do this myself though for fear of getting caught lol :(
The allowing of games in spare time is a good idea. At my secondary school it was open to around 17:30 (2 hours after lessons finish) and we could play any game we brought in on the network. Obviously the computers didnt have good graphics cards etc but quake 1 multiplayer, red alert 2 marathons etc was great. My father was the chairman of governers and he just said it did stop a lot of stuff being damaged due to students trying to get as much fragging in as possible after hours lol
A few of my friends recently worked out how to play multiplayer Warcraft over the network... was fun while it lasted lol

Also the whole "clicking on 'programs' in the start list to get to all the restricted files" has got a bit old.

Games are always fun but if people want to wreck equipment, they will

*points at the IT room where the entire bench (which had about 7 comps on) has collapsed after people obviously sat on/stood on it*
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