Optical Drives ???

18 May 2009
In this age of digital distribution for games, Movie downloads through itunes (plus other less lawful means) And ablity to boot from a memory stick, do you really think that part of a build should include A drive.

My question mostly stems from wanting to build a MATX system but wanting to remove the internal hdd cage in and replace it for one of those nifty cages that takes the place of 2 Drive bays.. But this would leave me with no room for a DVD drive, So basically what im asking is...

Do you think i would miss having a DVD drive??

I mean if im honest everything i have is digital. And im planning on getting one of those tasty looking PS3 Slims soon, so thats my DVD playing sorted out.

Can you guys thing of a time where i would need a DVD drive..
Games running off external devices will have slower response time between the drive and computer than if it were integrated. If you're not a heavy gamer then that wont matter, if you are then it's a big NAOOOOOOO.

Plus when a game comes out which isn't available for online download, you'll need a second computer with an optical drive to install it on the external device.
I buy most of my games through steam.

And mostly spend my time playing coutnerstrike source. And as more and more and more games become avaliable through the steam platform, i dont see it as being much of a problem, i have a laptop at the moment, and i rarely ever use the DVD drive unless im watching one of my DVD's.
I buy most of my games through steam.

And mostly spend my time playing coutnerstrike source. And as more and more and more games become avaliable through the steam platform, i dont see it as being much of a problem, i have a laptop at the moment, and i rarely ever use the DVD drive unless im watching one of my DVD's.

I know what you mean, I am exactly the same most of my games now are from steam :)
But I also know the minute I get rid of my drive is the time I would need it.

The only reason I know to have a drive is to burn my cds for the car and to provide drivers for friends. Some people are not quite fully into the digital age.:D
Totally know where you are coming from with this, but like mentioned the minute you get rid of it you may start to notice times that you need it. I only ever need my dvd-rw drive if I buy non-steam games or install old software.

Maybe you could fit a sata laptop dvd-rw into the case somehow along with the hdd cage?
I dont think there is a single new game that is not available online. Dont forget that there are many services like steam. However, prices for dd games are much higher.
I buy most of my games through steam.

And mostly spend my time playing coutnerstrike source. And as more and more and more games become avaliable through the steam platform, i dont see it as being much of a problem, i have a laptop at the moment, and i rarely ever use the DVD drive unless im watching one of my DVD's.

Steams great, no effort in putting in and taking discs out all of the time! lazy i know lol
I often find you can buy games for cheaper from some shops rather than DD platforms like steam or impulse.
Also, how would you install an OS on it? Or use it for recovery if anything went wrong? Just have a DVD drive lying arnound, plug it in if needed? Or something like this? Though they are a little pricy.
Aren't there adapters to take a standard 5.25" drive bay and split it into 2 or 3 slots for things like laptop drives and laptop hdd's? I'm sure I've seen them for sale before. They might be an effective solution to the lack of bays ;)
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