
4 Oct 2005
I was involved in this post a while back.
If you want to read up on the story so far :)

So after 2 months of complete head banging of walls I finally went mental at Samsung and wrote them a letter of complaint stating that their customer service was B******ks and that I was not going to have any more contact with them until they contacted me and had a solution to my problem.Well that letter was posted Thursday and today I have a phone message saying that I can return the monitor to the original retailer along with a samsung credit note and I can purchase ANY monitor upto the original price I paid for it.
Well result!!
But I can see a problem...I have a 6800Gt AGP card and all the 19" monitors I am looking at are well below the original price I paid for mine some 10 months ago (can't say the price because it wasn't from OcUK)
So what if I go to 20" of even 22" which is now a comparable price,am I correct in saying that my card will struggle at 1600x1200 (20") or 1680x1050 (22") ?

There is an Eizo 19" which is around my original out lay price which may be an option but it's 8ms and mine at the moment is 6ms :(

So any thoughts guys?
I would have thought that your 6800GT will stuggle at those resolutions mate,especially 1600x1200.Not 100% sure tbh

There's not going to be any noticable difference between 8ms & 6ms though

You can always run a lower widescreen res strecthed over the screen, it doesn't look at all bad, just a little softer. Native res is essential for your desktop, but it doesn't matter as much in games. Plus you can always upgrade your video card in the future. You'll probably have the monitor a lot longer than the video card.

I'd go for a widescreen in 20" or 22".
Well thats something to think about.
So what would be a recommended AGP card that could run native resolutions on a 20"/22" monitor?
Also i've just see another 20" and it's resolution is 1400X1050,why would that differ from the other 20" which is 1600x1200?
Sorry if i'm being a bit noobish on this.
Steve_h said:
Well thats something to think about.
So what would be a recommended AGP card that could run native resolutions on a 20"/22" monitor?
Also i've just see another 20" and it's resolution is 1400X1050,why would that differ from the other 20" which is 1600x1200?
Sorry if i'm being a bit noobish on this.

What were the model numbers?
shine said:
What were the model numbers?

Samsung SyncMaster 204B 1600X1200
Samsung Syncmaster 203B 1400X1050

Would be nice if I spend the difference between the £350ish Samsung owe me on a card to run such monitors ;)
What about the Eizo?I seem to remember they got rave reviews here a while back for Photo shop and cad work etc,but now they do a 19" 8ms model I was interested in whether they are any good for gaming.
The 1400*1050 screens are 5:4 btw not widescreen. They're also TN panels so they'll have poor viewing angles, but should be pretty quick. They're budget screens basically, and some of the specs reflect that, like the low contrast ratio and unusual resolution. The 20" 1600*1200 5:4 screens aren't TN, they're stuff like MVA, PVA, IPS etc which is why they cost so much more.

As for an AGP card to game at 1680*1050, the 7800 GS+, but it's about £230 IIRC which is about £100 more than the faster X1800 XT PCI-E. That shows what bad value AGP cards are nowadays.

TBH for £230 you could get mobo, cpu and PCI-E video card.
Thanks for the reply fish.haven't replied for the last few days as good old Samsung have cocked up again.
I rang the retailer who is a UK retailer and started to ask if I could spend the credit note any way I wanted.Half way through the conversation he stopped me and said that he only deals with Samsung Holland and therefore would not honor a Samsung UK credit note,so either I could sent the monitor to him and he would send it to Holland for repair or I get a credit note from the Dutch !!!
Well to me Samsung are one whole company and I don't care if it came from bloody Mars...
So I rang Samsung and told them what I had been told...and all I got was ah...oh etc...!!? So trying not to get to mad I suggested that they sort something out and ring me back.
Tuesday I had a phone message saying that they will be sending a brand new 970P as a direct replacement but it would take 21 days to get one in (OcUK have stock) and could I ring to confirm.
Wednesday I rang twice to be told they would get back to me but never did.
Thursday I rang and was well annoyed with them,as all they wanted was confirmation I wanted the monitor.Then 2 hours later a member of senior team ring me to say the monitor was unavailable in the uk (OcUK have stock)!!?
BUT they have found me a stand.OH my God if anyone has read the link in my first post then you would know that was all I wanted in the first place.
So as compensation for the hassle they have offered me a choice of either a D600 mobile phone,a mono laser printer or a dvdr recorder.

So three months later it seems that it has come full circle + a sweetner.
watch this space :rolleyes:
So finally the stand arrived.I had to ring them to find out where it was and was told it still hadn't been sent.
I asked them to explain why I had been told 1-5 working days yet after nearly 3 wks it was still with them,then when I mentioned the mobile phone (the choice I had made) he didn't have a clue where that was!!
So he promised to phone me back that day with the answers,so off I go to work and later that day I get a text from home saying a big box with samsung had arrived.
When I got home I couldn't believe it, a stand AND a phone message saying sorry but they HAD sent the stand, but just to be sure they would send me another one. LoL
Then a day later I get a courier phoning me saying they have my phone ready to deliver,and then just to make it even more crazy a phone call a day later from some other lot asking when they could come and do a swop out on my monitor?
I wasn't home to take that message so I can't even begin to understand that one :)
So here ends 4 months of complete stupidity,it starts with a replacement stand,goes to a swap out to a credit note to a stand plus a £180 mobile phone.
So well done Samsung in proving the bigger they are the more stupid they are.
If I was going to pass on any wisdom here it would be,Always take a note of names and dates etc...and then when it goes completely t*ts up then write a letter of complaint detailing everything.Only then do they seem to listen to you.
Oh and always stick to your guns,if it wasn't for this forum and the experiance of another member I wouldn't have got my stand. :D
Scottland said:
Glad to hear the problems were resolved eventually, even if Samsung did well and truly balls up. Have you managed to attach the stand ok?

Yeah,thanks for the photo's they were a great help :)
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