
16 Jul 2004
Hi all! I've been out of the PC building game for a few years but I have a few bits laying around and wondered if I could turn it into a reasonable system for light gaming / flight sim alongside office tasks or just sell the bits and put the idea to bed!
I wouldn't need/ want to go 4k gaming.

Gigabyte Z270P-D3 (socket 1151)
Celeron G3930
Corsair hx1000 platinum

Now I suppose looking for a better CPU, upgrading the RAM and dropping something like. 1080ti gpu may be ok and cpst maybe £600. I'd need a new case really too... Any thoughts or suggestions for a lesser price?
Flight Sim is CPU dependant so is 1080p and so is 1440p (though to a lesser degree) 4k even less again, so IMO you want to build around a strong CPU.
I think the strongest CPU I could get in there is an i7 7700

You know, I think I'm setting myself up for a silly expense
A 6700/7700 are still really expensive, unfortunately, especially for the performance they offer relative to their price. I'd rather buy a new 10400F with three year warranty than dump £100+ on a used 6700/7700.

The most cost effective option (if available/possible for your board) would be to mod the motherboard to support coffee lake CPUs, which are more affordable and better performing relative to their price, though you do risk bricking the board and buying a CPU that doesn't work.
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