Man of Honour
Quick question im doing an oracle assignment for uni and im at the stage where im creating the tables and doing all the validation and things and im just wondering ive got this given to me as one of my tables
Would I need to create a new field to hold all the the primary key information or is there not actually a single primary key field like ive been used to in things like access?
PatientDrug Table
PATIENTDRUG([U]PatientNo *, DrugID *[/U], WardNo *, Units, [U]StartDate[/U], EndDate)
Forms part of the primary key, must match a value in the PATIENT table.
Forms part of the primary key, must match a value in the DRUG table.
Must show the WARD which the patient was in when the drug was administered. Must match a value in Ward table.
A number field. Only whole numbers.
A date field, forms part of the primary key.
Must be equal to or later than the start date.
Would I need to create a new field to hold all the the primary key information or is there not actually a single primary key field like ive been used to in things like access?