Orange Box - 360 or PC?

11 Oct 2004
Whilst Half-life 2 on a large TV and good quality surround system would be nice, I've got to go with the PC version just for TF2.

TF2 needs dedicated servers. Whilst 5 a side could be fun, 10 a side clan games is where the game really comes into its own. I also worry that a lot of the wackiness wouldn't be possible with a control pad.

The PC version is £15 cheaper and you get to play online mulitplayer for free. No doubt there will be further maps available to download for free on the PC. Bargain.
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20 Oct 2003
Y'see while I agree about dedicated servers, I'd only agree with this for a large number of players. It's like 32 players on BF2, a single host just wouldn't cope.

But 16 players on the SIZE of the TF2 maps I think is just right. The maps are not big enough for any more players, it'd turn a good game into something where there's so much going on with so many players that the enjoyment would simply be thrown out of the window.

Maybe I'm trying to defend TOB360 too much, I don't know, but I certainly think the balance is perfect on the 360 with too many attributes to consider on a PC.



10 Dec 2003
South Shields
I wouldn't play The Orange Box on my Xbox 360 for the same reason I suspect I won't play Assassin's Creed on my PC. Some games are simply better suited to certain platforms due to differences in playstyle and features.

this is the perfect answer

If I want to play platformers or kind of 3rd person action/adventure games or racing games I always get them for my 360

1st person shooters and online stuff, and RTS goes on my PC

I just feel comfortable with certain games on one platform than others
3 Apr 2007
I'd say that if your interested in playing TF2 then get it on the PC, I'm sure HL2 plays perfectly fine on a console, but there's no way that TF2 can be as enjoyable on a gamepad as it can with mouse and keyboard for the simple fact that TF2 can be pretty intense and twitchy, especially if you like to play Scout, and fast movement is a must. (Please don't flame me with the "gamepad is fine for fps's" I know this and agree but when it comes to faster games like TF2 I have to disagree)

And thats coming from someone who nowadays prefers FPS's on a gamepad.
27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
I played HL2 and Episode 1 way back on the PC. I bought my 360 last year and haven't touched the PC for gaming since.

When the Orange Box was announced I wasn't sure about getting it on the 360 but went for it and am absolutely loving it. Enjoying it more than I did on the PC. Playing it on a 42" screen with high end sound system has made it, for me, much better than the PC.

Off to start Episode 2 now. :)
20 Feb 2006
lolol why ?, People may think pads are ok for fps and in my opinion they are not to bad, but they do not come close to mouse and keyboard for the faster paced game.
16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
Well you see both the PC and the 360 are connected into the same TV (26" HDTV) and sound system so the only thing to compare are the controls, graphical quality and of course how it plays.

I watched a side by side comparison vid and I couldn't see much difference except the 360 version looked washed out, though I wasn't sure if that was just a problem local to their TV.

Controls and how well it would run on my PC I think would be the deciding factor. MP TF2 limits don't concern me that much as I'm not really into PC MP gaming much now since enjoying Xbox live.

(P4 3.2Hhz, 2GB RAM, 7800GT if anyone has any idea how it would run).



20 Oct 2003
the 360 version looked washed out, though I wasn't sure if that was just a problem local to their TV.

TBH I think it may be the default setting on the 360 version. There is an option to switch from TV to Monitor. Personally, I thought the TV setting was a lot better (less washed out) even though I play it on a 24" monitor. Personal taste I guess.
1 Oct 2004
Well you see both the PC and the 360 are connected into the same TV (26" HDTV) and sound system so the only thing to compare are the controls, graphical quality and of course how it plays.

I watched a side by side comparison vid and I couldn't see much difference except the 360 version looked washed out, though I wasn't sure if that was just a problem local to their TV.

Controls and how well it would run on my PC I think would be the deciding factor. MP TF2 limits don't concern me that much as I'm not really into PC MP gaming much now since enjoying Xbox live.

(P4 3.2Hhz, 2GB RAM, 7800GT if anyone has any idea how it would run).

It's not washed out, but it does give you 2 options. If your TV is set up correctly you won't have that problem.

I will say, in the Xbox360's favour, the achievements for it are excellent.
25 Oct 2005
I think you should also make a thread about this on the PC Games forum, just for kicks. :p

I've seen two half decent arguments for the Xbox 360 version: -

1.) You can play it on your HDTV and surround sound.

Response: As your PC is hooked up to the same system, don't be shocked if the PC version looks better at the same resolution. Your rig is more than enough to play Source games (even the newer ones in The Orange Box) and you can probably even lash on the AA/AF.

2.) The achievements are excellent.

Response: I've not looked into the specific achievements between the PC version and the Xbox 360 version, but if achievements are important to you then the PC version does have them too. The only difference is that they won't be added to your Xbox Live gamerscore.

You'd get the same gameplay experience, in terms of visuals and sound, better in fact as you'd have keyboard and mouse support and probably better graphics. Team Fortress 2 will be a much better experience due to said controls, and because it will have more players on dedicated servers. The PC version is also £15 cheaper than the Xbox 360 version, this is quite important IMO.

Let's also not forget that the Half Life series is simply an iconic PC gaming series. I love my 360, but I wouldn't play The Orange Box on it. You couldn't even pay me to do that, it'd be a crime against nature. Do yourself a favour and put that £15 saving toward buying Mass Effect instead. :)
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30 Mar 2007
Heh, really who gives a damn about gamerscore. It's meaningless really. Initially I thought the gamerscore points were points that you could use to buy retro games, new themes and avatars...etc from Xbox live. That would have been cool.

Instead it's just an e-peen enlargement device and even then it's near meaningless because there's no set standard. Some games you can get 1k points easy peasy without any hassle. Other games it takes ages and loads of effort to get a mere 30 points.
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