Orange Crush

Weather stopped play. And I have a feeling it will just continue to do so.

As such I am ditching this case.

I mean, the paint can't be done any time soon but that is OK. It's just not a good case to build into. It's cramped, badly, and I would have to cut it around a lot. I also want the PC working like, now, for reasons I shall explain....

Basically I have 3 PCs. One at mum's (3950x and 6900XT Toxic) and then two at home. One desk PC (12700K and 6800XT Strix LC) and then my TV gaming PC (11700k on TEC with a 6950XT). Any way, you will note a common theme.. They all have AMD big Navi in, as £ to perf they won every time. As such there are certain games that do not play ball at all with big Navi. Like, old games. I guess AMD have never gone back and made them work properly with old games. Thing is? I really, REALLY want to play through FONV again. I have it on Xbox disc (originally for the 360 but does work fine on my 1x). The problem is because Bethesda knobbed Obsidian so badly the game was never updated beyond making it work. What I mean is, it never got any 4k textures on console and the settings were left as they were. IE, the draw distance and AA etc. FO3 had all of that made better for later consoles, NV did not. As such for the best experience you need to play it on PC (where it does have stock 4k textures) and of course you can mod it. Problem is none of my 3 PCs will run it. It judders, then just outright crashes, and none of the mod fixes made it any better. So I am putting it down to big Navi not being sorted for the game.

So, that means Nvidia. And the only Nvidia card I have is the 980Ti for this build.

Sooo... First thing I did was dig my Q58 out of the loft.


It has been emptied since then obs. But, it is a modern ITX case and thus it is way easier to build in. I will paint it in the same way, but for now I just want it built. Just one problem, the cooler I bought for a tenner won't work. Thing is? this one will look way better any way.


I also finished the wiring yesterday, and now have a quad SATA power run and triple Molex. Doubt I will need the latter, but hey it needs a full set. Cooler comes tomorrow, hoping to get it running by the weekend.

That cooler is awesome, i use it as a test cooler for new builds and it cools surprisingly well and its quiet for under £20 can't complain.
Yup it was £16. No problem cooling the CPU either, as it is only rated 85w TDP max.

I am about 15 hours into FONV now. Looks amazing with all of the mods, and runs great. Very happy ! I look forward to spring.
hahah i just ordered the same cooler this morning to test a system before water-cooling it. i just expected to find something cheap and nasty when looking to spend £20.
i was pleasantly surprised to find the bigger brother for £16

Thermalright are a huge corporation. As such their own products cost absolute peanuts, because basically they are just showing what they do. They OEM for many other companies... As such they don't make much profit on their own gear.
Oh and yeah, I used the bigger brother for ages on my 11400F.


Sadly it would be too big for this PC. I then bought your 11700KF, so yeah, needed to beef up the cooling.
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