Orange iPhone - Voicemail

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
Can the kind members of OcUK do a little test for me. Ideally Orange contract.

When you are left a voicemail, do you get an onscreen message saying "New Voicemail"?

Does this message pop up every 5-10mins until you listen to the voicemail or stop after a few hours, or only pop up the once?

As you can guess I am being prompted by on-screen message and sound of new voicemail every 5-10mins for a few hours after receiving a new voicemail.

I do not mean I am getting lots of the same voicemail, one message just lots of prompts.


I don't get a pop-up, it just vibrates. It also has a blank red circle over the phone icon in my dock.

I'm on orange contract.
It will keep alerting you until you listen to the message all the way through.

On 02 for me, it will ring me, then text me once an hour until I listen to it.
That's got to be incredibly annoying!

T-Mobile here: I get the sound/vibrate and then a red dot on the voicemail icon (or phone icon on home screen). No more notifications, and the dot disappears when there's no more new voicemail to listen to.

I think it is to do with the different implementations done by the different operators. For instance, on my crappy Nokia backup brick on T-Mob, I get the O_O voicemail symbol with one alert when it arrives. With Vodafone on the same handset, you get the choice of the voicemail ringing you every few minutes (who would want that, honestly - one of my colleagues has it and it annoys me no end if he leaves his phone on the desk when he goes to lunch...) or it sends you a standard text, saying 'ring 121 for voicemail'
kvfb97 how many times does it alert you of a voicemail.

I think that the issue is not with my iPhone but with my sim or something Orange-end.

Try explaining this to Orange though, not easy! Especially when using an unsupported device.
Can the kind members of OcUK do a little test for me. Ideally Orange contract.

When you are left a voicemail, do you get an onscreen message saying "New Voicemail"?

Does this message pop up every 5-10mins until you listen to the voicemail or stop after a few hours, or only pop up the once?

As you can guess I am being prompted by on-screen message and sound of new voicemail every 5-10mins for a few hours after receiving a new voicemail.

I do not mean I am getting lots of the same voicemail, one message just lots of prompts.



I get exactly the same thing, it annoys the hell out of me. You can change your Orange Voicemail settings so that it doesn't alert you iirc, however it would be a little pointless cos you'd never know when you had a voicemail obviously.

I get exactly the same thing, it annoys the hell out of me. You can change your Orange Voicemail settings so that it doesn't alert you iirc, however it would be a little pointless cos you'd never know when you had a voicemail obviously.


Ah, I am not alone! Anybody else? Trying to establish wether this is an Orange/iPhone incompatibility or some other problem
Can you login to the Orange website and change the alerts?

If not, that sounds like you'll be enduring some lengthy calls to India :rolleyes:
kvfb97 how many times does it alert you of a voicemail.

I think that the issue is not with my iPhone but with my sim or something Orange-end.

Try explaining this to Orange though, not easy! Especially when using an unsupported device.

Ok I tested this last night.

I get 1 alert when I get a voice mail and then I get the little red dot on top of the phone icon.

Then the phone vibrates every 5 minutes or so. No alerts.

I'm Orange + Pay Monthly.
Can the kind members of OcUK do a little test for me. Ideally Orange contract.

When you are left a voicemail, do you get an onscreen message saying "New Voicemail"?

I am being prompted by on-screen message and sound of new voicemail every 5-10mins for a few hours after receiving a new voicemail.
Fairly standard behavior on Orange + iPhone. Happens on mine and friends of mine on Orange.

Doesn't really bother me, as I rarely get left voicemail. Just have to make sure you listen to any & delete asap though.
Bugger. As I run my own business I get a LOT of voicemail and it's not always convenient to listen to them immediately.

I may switch the audible alert off I think and just stick with the on-screen message.
Bugger. As I run my own business I get a LOT of voicemail and it's not always convenient to listen to them immediately.

I may switch the audible alert off I think and just stick with the on-screen message.

Sounds like the right thing to do. At least it won't keep hassling you.
Ah, I am not alone! Anybody else? Trying to establish wether this is an Orange/iPhone incompatibility or some other problem

Sounds like Orange to be honest. :(

It's Orange problem.
It seems to occur with non-Orange branded phones.
I know my Mio A701 had a problem (someone hacked a fix) and some people are reporting problems with HP614C and Asus P750 (two possible upgrades for me).
i get alerts every 5 minutes or so *unless* i dont touch the phone and read the first alert, at which point it might vibrate a few times but infrequently.
Surely it would be possible to code some sort of fix for this issue if you had the relevant knowledge? I wonder if such fix exists or anybody could create a fix?
I'm having the same issue. Has anyone managed to fix it yet, or is everyone is living with an iPhone that alerts them every 5 minutes after they receive a VM until they listen to it? Switching off the audible alert isn't ideal as you might not notice a red dot for hours.
IIRC you can dial into your voicemail and select the settings and change this - i cahnged this on my Vodaphone account so i just get the red dot rather than the text messages i got before.
For the record I never resolved this issue, sold the iPhone 2g not long after I made this thread. I recently cancelled my orange contract and took a 3gs on o2.

I must say I always overlooked visual voicemail as a gimmick but as I mentioned before I receive a fair few messages for my work from which I have to note down name's, numbers and computer issues and visual voicemail is brilliant for this.
I would agree that it is more than a gimmik - fyi though if you cannot change the setting in your voicemail there are gsm codes that you can punch in to change the settings with your carrier (you will need to google for the various ones but they are standard accross the carriers as they are part of the gsm standard)
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