Order Cancelled On Phone Because Of Poor Credit Rating

3 Mar 2004
Ordered a phone off the internet the otehr day and it hasnt arrived so rang up to see where it was and they said the order has been cancelled because i have a poor credit rating

I am 19, do not have a credit card, my bank account has NEVER been below £400 and i only have 1 direct debit leaving my account of £9.99 a month!

Not very happy at all, especially when the place i bought the from never emailed me or anything telling me that the phone order was cancelled :|
I could be wrong but not having a lot of credit history might have been the problem. What your bank balance is like doesn't really matter.
theres the problem

you have no credit history which is almost as bad as a bad one, you are an unknown quantity.

I had this after 8 years of no credit following a ccj.

get a creditcard from your bank and use it each month and pay it off (even if just for petrol or something) after 6 months or so you will ahve some posertive credit history
It is more than likely you have family members attached to your credit file. You need to write to the credit company and ask that your are made independent from all your family members.
my girlfriend is 18 though and she has just had to move banks because her old bank said she had bad credit rating, now she just got a phone with her new account thtas what is confusing me :confused:
even with no credit history everyone should be able to get phones or store cards. i know i did. have a word with the experian people and get it sorted out.
Are you on the electoral role?

A mate of mine wasn't for years and he couldn't get a loan anywhere, onece he was and had bills in his name he was fine :)

yes i am on the electoral role, and it was from o2 online

it was the fact my GF got one though that is ocnfusing me because of the fact she had to change banks just to upgrade her account but got the phone fine
Sadly stuff like this sucks. I was 26 before I got a Visa debit card because I had no credit ever it was solid to get one - only after having a consistent wage being put into my bank account for almost 12 months would they reliquish it.

I suppose you could try and get the phone with some other company but that wouldn't really make things right.

I believe you can appeal the decision though I don't know how much good that will do.

im right in thinking credit checks can go off your current address too innit like if someone was black listed in the house you moved into you may have problems getting credit too.
think i could actually have been the biggest plonker on the planet

i just upgraded my card from an electron and used the new card before i had even activated it :|

Going to re-order tonight :rolleyes:
go to university, youl soon have a credit rating :D

failing this, do what i used to do, sign up for store cards and cut them up when you get them, looks good on the credit report. also get a credit card, move the balance of the card into your banck account for 20 odd days and then move it back, do this 2 or 3 times and your credit score will look nice.
Sorry to hijack the thread slightly, but would a yearly contract with a mobile phone company paid every month for a few years be seen as a good credit rating? Or would that not go to my credit rating at all?
About ten years ago I was refused credit. I delved into it and I was told that 4, Bailey had a bad credit rating.
I told them I lived at number 52 so what was it to do with me?
shop - Your names Poole?
me - Yeah
shop - So is theirs
me - Whats that got to do with me?
shop - Same name same street
me - But its not me, I'm David Poole at number 52.

They sorted it and it just so happened that I knew the bloke at number 4.
I asked him if his name was Poole (which it wasn't) and told him the story.
He said that the people before him were called Poole and he couldn't get credit because of them.
The credit rating went with the house :eek:
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