Order time- last min checks

400MHz is the speed of the RAM. The manufacturer just claims it's 800MHz as it's DDR, or double data rate.

To your motherboard, it's 400MHz.
Right then i think i'll stretch to the 800mhz ram. 750 was supposed to be max budget but thats ok.
Any last min things or should i get the bank card out?

Updated basket- changed board to gigabyte and gone for 4gb of the OCZ ram.

If you haven't ordered change the heatsink because the mini wont fit in the v350 I got one and have had to send it back :(
If you haven't ordered change the heatsink because the mini wont fit in the v350 I got one and have had to send it back :(

You'd better be kidding!

I've spent the past two weeks going over various heatsink and SFF case combinations, and settled on the fact that the space and airflow of the V350+ with the cooling of the Mini-Ninja would be better than any of the others.

Now you're telling me it was all a waste? :(

[Edit] Found this...


Where's the problem?
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The mini ninja will fit as the pic shows but you won't be able to mount it outside of the case and slide the motherboard tray in. The guy with the case pictured said that he slid the board with HSF in through the side of the case then attached the mobo to the spacers with a short screw driver.
You lot have just given me palpatations haha. From the reviews and things i have read, i believe its a tight squeeze but is possible with a bit of fiddling.
Should be building some time next week ocuk are waiting for the 1024mb 4850 to come into stock once it is they'll ship the lot:)
You know... for an extra £30 you could jump up to the 4870...

Unless you're running some stupidly sized screen, I don't think you'd notice the difference between the 512MB and 1024MB versions.
I orginally didnt want to go over 750 that was my budget so i think i better stick with it. If i swop down to the 512mb version its going to be tuesday by the time i get the goods anyway now. They are expecting the 1024 version in next week so mayswell just wait rather than changing now. I run a 24 inch samsung tv/monitor

im currently using a 6200 for cod2 and bf2!!!!- so tbh i think the 4850 is going to be a fair jump up in the world haha
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Well i wouldn't go for the mini cos fitting the psu is needed beforehand and u have to slide that in via the side panel as it wont fit in through the back. I got a Zalman CNPS8700 and it fits on the mobo fine and will allow you to slide it in on the tray, much better than having to fiddle with it :D

and I have the fan pushing air into the psu so the hot air does not stay in the case :D
Well i wouldn't go for the mini cos fitting the psu is needed beforehand and u have to slide that in via the side panel as it wont fit in through the back. I got a Zalman CNPS8700 and it fits on the mobo fine and will allow you to slide it in on the tray, much better than having to fiddle with it :D

and I have the fan pushing air into the psu so the hot air does not stay in the case :D

Mini ninja will be fine, although, yes, you will have to attach it whilst the motherbaord is in the case, or attach the motherboard to the tray whilst the tray is in the case.

Removing and re-adding the psu with all the other componants already installed is easy.

Also, the zalman 8700 fitting whilst sliding the tray all depends on the motherbaord used... it's fine on the gigabyte g33, but on the asus p5k-vm, there is no way the tray will slide in with the 8700 installed. I know, i've tried =(
Just a quick thought. Still no sign of the 1024mb versions of the 4850.OCUk predict back end of this week. Do you think its worthwhile holding on for this card. Or should i drop this and go for a 512 4850 and save myself a few quid.
Only thing i am thinking is will the 1024mb asus 4850 version that i have ordered have slightly better cooling, with it having the different and bigger looking fan.
If this is the case i'll hold on as obviously temps are going to be an important factor within a small form build.
Should have the components tomorrow to start the build! the 1024mb asus 4850 still hasnt come into stock- rang them this morning and i have swapped to a sapphire 512mb 4870, for the sake of 25 quid difference with it being on this week only i thought why not. Pics and build thread soon to follow.
Okay, well, simply put, the CPU frequency will just be a combination of two values in the BIOS.

The FSB speed x the Multiplier.

For your chip it's going to be 266x9 = 2.4GHz at stock. Now the multiplier will be locked upwards, meaning the only way to go is to up the FSB.

So that's what you need to do. Keep putting the FSB up in small increments, whilst keeping an eye on stability and CPU temperatures.

It's child's play, honestly. :)

the amount of times i see someone ask for advice on overclocking and i see a page of drivel follow it...

you sir - have explained it perfectly and i think this needs to be stickied

to the OP
the build you ordered looks good
would like to see it all put together!!!

throw some photos up when its done!
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