Eugh! Totally forgot about taking phone camera has just broken as well, so I'll have to dig up an old digicam from somewhere.
Trifid: User interface is great, you have a menu of Music, Video, Podcasts, Games, Radio etc, select one by scrolling up and down and you get to choose then by artist, album, song etc in audio by side to side. There's videos available on a few sites, go have a look.
Large libraries are perfect, got 5k songs on mine and it runs perfectly.
Playlists are fine, you can do a single on the go playlist "now playing", which you can just add songs to in order to queue them up.
Random within playlist is fine.
Folder.jpg as album art....unsure, all my album art has come up though.
Sync software is fine, just tell it some folders and it will scan and add them to it's library without problems, updating when new files are added. It does not lag, and is not a hassle at all to use. With wireless sync it's even better, just hit sync on the zune and it'll just pull all updated files accross without even being connected.
It does not play ogg files.