OS Deal at Microsoft

No offense, but "'WinXPProOEM.com" should have been a fairly sure sign that something dodgy was going on, they're not claiming that it "was legal and now it's not", they're claiming that it was illegal in the first place, which sounds pretty likely to me. I haven't heard of anyone who bought from a genuinely legitimate place now being marked as pirated. It's not even as if anything's been disabled - it's just letting you know that you have an illegal copy. You're exactly who Microsoft are trying to target - those who bought the software without knowing it was illegal. If you have your receipt then you are eligible for a free copy, if not then a discounted copy, Microsoft are being nice rather than "evil" about this.
PinkPig said:
No offense, but "'WinXPProOEM.com" should have been a fairly sure sign that something dodgy was going on, they're not claiming that it "was legal and now it's not", they're claiming that it was illegal in the first place, which sounds pretty likely to me. I haven't heard of anyone who bought from a genuinely legitimate place now being marked as pirated. It's not even as if anything's been disabled - it's just letting you know that you have an illegal copy. You're exactly who Microsoft are trying to target - those who bought the software without knowing it was illegal. If you have your receipt then you are eligible for a free copy, if not then a discounted copy, Microsoft are being nice rather than "evil" about this.
No offence taken.
I can't comment on the name other than to say that I didn't read it the way you do.
I activated the OS - Microsoft accepted at the time that it was a legal copy.
I did have an invoice, sadly I didn't keep it.
As to Microsoft "being nice", I get the impression that they are offering to sell me a copy - which they *may* at some later date decide is illegal, for a price greater than OcUK (or other unmentionable Web suppliers).
As I said, my concern is that Microsoft have changed the rules since I activated (via Microsoft) my copy of Windows XP Pro.
I don't see any need to have an arguement about this, and I can understand that you're annoyed at the thought of spending more money - but Microsoft have never claimed that successful activation is a sign that the product is legal, it's just a security measure on their part. They have more recently been able to detect additional illegal copies (possibly by being more restrictive on allowed CD keys) and are making that known. As for "changing the rules again", how could they ever say that the copy you've bought directly from Microsoft is illegal? You seem under the impression of some terrible conspiracy theory.
PinkPig said:
I don't see any need to have an arguement about this . . .
As you say, there is no margin in an argument and it was certainly never my intention to start one.

As it happens, I have now found out what happened to 'WindowsXPProOEM' - they were acquired by / became Software Galaxy.

What would be your judgement on this supplier :
http://www.softwaregalaxy.co.uk/index.php/cPath/202?osCsid=d74ceb8b344771dbdc926b8c6229873d ?
. . . and yes, I do know that Windows XP Pro OEM costs more from them than from OcUK - c'est la vie ! ;)
Taking an initial look at that site (which I'm afraid you're going to get told off for posting a link to because they are a competitor - best you delete it) all looks above board.
However it's certainly not a company I've heard of before.
Why not stick to the "big companies" and buy your software from there.
OcUK are really not badly priced on OEM software (even if they aren't exactly sticking to the true requirements for OEM software sales).

If MS are giving you the option to buy a Retail version directly from them for somewhere near the price of an OEM I'd snatch their hand off.
Retail versions can be freely moved from machine to machine with the only restriction being it must only ever be installed on one machine.
stoofa said:
If MS are giving you the option to buy a Retail version directly from them for somewhere near the price of an OEM I'd snatch their hand off.
So would I. A genuine retail version for £92 or whatever they are charging has to be a bargain.
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