OS drive with least amount of "lag"

17 Mar 2006
What's the best method of using a OS drive with least amount of HD lag, usually my system pauses, I can tell it's the OS drive. Plenty of RAM, so that's not the issue.

What about the new solid state hard drives? Are they faster than Raptors?

I'm using a Western Digital 7200RPM PATA HD for OS.
EDIT: 'Lag'? Is that pausing for no apparent reason while doing stuff on the desktop? Spin your mouse around the desktop several times, does it 'lag/jump' - if so it's not your hdd's - you need to reset the ESDM (sp?) in the bios - refreshes the irq etc and removes conflicts that often lead to lag - that system shouldn't suffer from it.

Don't think it's that, just when under heavy load (even though not really doing that much) Windows seems to slow down.

I've placed the swap file on another drive, games are on another so I'll see how that effects it.
Yeah spotted IRAM, with 4GB max have to limit what's on there, initial install but any other progs will have to be insatlled on another drive. My Windows directory is 1.7GB

So how much will a Iram cost? I guess 2GB RAM should be ok, just cut down windows a bit with XP Lite. iram sounds a bit rude :p

hmm £100 for 8GB Samsung solid state..
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Noticed it has 12 hour battery backup, does that mean it must be switched on 24/7, or with it switched off (but connected to mains, mobo LED is on) it won't lose the data?
cavemanoc said:
Just connected to the mains - but if you have a power cut for more than 12 hrs... :(

Right-o, the latter isn't a problem...UPS :p very very unlikely power outage for 12 hours, I guess could shut off everything so UPS should provide the "off but mobo power" for a few days.
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