OS Grid Ref with Google Maps?

30 Jul 2006
I know that you can enter a UK Post Code in Google Maps to find a location and I believe that you can also enter Latitude & Longitude. However, I can't see any way of entering a UK OS Grid Reference to find a location. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how?

In answer to the obvious question, I would like to know for help in directing walkers to a parking place in the country where Post Codes simply don't work.

OK, perhaps I should clarify:
I want people to park near to SK 095 648 (chosen at random and there is doubtless a valid nearby PostCode)
Some of these people happen to use GoogleMaps on an Android mobile phone for navigation purposes rather than a TomTom or Garmin SatNav
Is there any way to enter the OS Grid Reference SK 095 648 into GoogleMaps on an Android mobile phone for navigation purposes?
I accept that one can convert any OS Grid Ref to Lat & Long but I wondered whether you could use it directly with GoogleMaps.​
Thanks, but I don't think that this has anything to do with Google Maps does it :confused:
as already mentioned os maps is great for this and available on smartphones. its way better for walking and navigation and available as a free trial version. google maps doesn't convert as you asked. you could sent people a link with directions in g-maps mind you
Does it have to be an OS grid ref?

'What three words' could be a good alternative.
Good point, I hadn't thought of that; does "What Three Words" work with GoogleMaps?

as already mentioned os maps is great for this and available on smartphones. its way better for walking and navigation and available as a free trial version. google maps doesn't convert as you asked. you could sent people a link with directions in g-maps mind you
I think that the walkers in question always think in terms of the OS Grid Reference but the idea of "What Three Words" sounds like a sensible alternative if it works with GoogleMaps.

To be entirely honest, I have never used GoogleMaps and rely on a TomTom but it does seem that many people are using GoogleMaps these days and I just want to find a way of helping with that if I can.

ps - "free trial versions" are just that - "free" right up to the point where you get used to them ;)
You'd have to convert the grid ref to Easting and Northing then convert to Lat, Long which is what Google Maps uses in the URL.
There are sites that will convert it to a Google link for you or at the very least Lat, Long.

I think because the OS Grid Ref is specific to the UK, Google doesn't interpret it.
Why dont you just open google maps, click on the location your are wanting them to go to, and share the location, or if its a large group just share it over a whatsapp group.

Anything else is going to require another app, and if you're going to that trouble you might as well use the app 'what 3 words' and get everyone one to use it. In fact its very handy, as emergency services use it, and it can pin point to something like 3m anywhere around the globe, without needing any os/latlong/postcode/zip etc...
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