OS Software for PLEX micro server

29 Dec 2012
Hi Guy

Im looking for a little advice, I have a HP Gen 8 which i set up with windows 10 as i found its simple at the time.

I wondering if a better option is available I'm amusing something must be and i could get more out by switching, at the moment I use the server mostly for plex and file storage, I drag the files from my main PC to a network drive and use team viewer to make any changes on the micro server side.
I have Synology software installed on my Microsever but also been using UnRAID as well on my front end server
I run most of my server stuff with Ubuntu Server. If you need GUI then something like Webmin makes it easier to manage. It's a really easy install for Plex.
***And Ubuntu is free.
I have Synology software installed on my Microsever but also been using UnRAID as well on my front end server
How simple is Synology ?
Will I loose my data if i use it ?
can i still access it from another pc ?

also is UnRAID not paid for ?
I run most of my server stuff with Ubuntu Server. If you need GUI then something like Webmin makes it easier to manage. It's a really easy install for Plex.
***And Ubuntu is free.
I dont know how to use Linux other then the basics I need something simple and straight forward.
If Windows 10 is working for you then there’s no harm in sticking with it. The advantages (if any) in moving to a Linux based OS or similar will be minimal especially if your not familiar them.

Personally I’d use Remote Desktop which is built into Windows rather than TeamViewer but that’s a nitpick.
I dont know how to use Linux other then the basics I need something simple and straight forward.

That's like saying you can't use a computer. Linux isn't this brick wall of scary black screens full of code where you need to grow a beard, become vegan and hide in a corner in the office mocking anyone else who doesn't use Linux as their OS.

Installing a server flavour is straight forwards, little bit of copy paste and you have a GUI.

If you can use Windows, you can use Linux.
If Windows 10 is working for you then there’s no harm in sticking with it. The advantages (if any) in moving to a Linux based OS or similar will be minimal especially if your not familiar them.

Personally I’d use Remote Desktop which is built into Windows rather than TeamViewer but that’s a nitpick.

Windows 10 is working for me and so far its been simple ish but I thought someone may have a better option.

A lot of people seam to be using other software like xpenology Freenas so i was assumed there must reason behind it.
Xpenology and FreeNAS don't require a paid for licence whereas Windows does. They are also designed specifically for NAS use so their hardware requirements are generally lower than for Windows. For simple file storage and Plex use, there's nothing wrong with your current set up.

Half the problem with servers is that they sit there just working away, invisible. They rarely require any maintenance or upgrading and this can be difficult for gaming PC fiddlers to grasp :D It certainly took me a good while to understand that if my server was doing it's job then I should leave it alone!
Xpenology and FreeNAS don't require a paid for licence whereas Windows does. They are also designed specifically for NAS use so their hardware requirements are generally lower than for Windows. For simple file storage and Plex use, there's nothing wrong with your current set up.

Half the problem with servers is that they sit there just working away, invisible. They rarely require any maintenance or upgrading and this can be difficult for gaming PC fiddlers to grasp :D It certainly took me a good while to understand that if my server was doing it's job then I should leave it alone!

Xpenology is a bodge of a "real" system though. I'm not saying it's illegal and you shouldn't use it but take a look at the Xpenology thread, how many people and comfortably press update and it not break everything?
I know you have to pay for it and I know if you have the knowledge you can achieve similar for free, but I use Unraid and it is so fit for purpose for this. With docker embedded it is my NAS, Plex server, newsgroup downloader, VPN server, Ubiquiti controller and so much more.
Another unraid user here. As the family have used Plex more, windows security reboots became an issue as I never got Plex to run reliably as a service. Every time windows decided to force an update, server would be offline waiting for me to remote in. Not wanting to switch off updates this was annoying.

In my view paying a small amount for software is no bad thing, it supports the developers to develop and continue to invest in the product I use.

Plex now runs in a docker, I have parity protection for my data (and backups) so I'm less likely to need to recover everything in one go. If the power is on, Plex is on.

Comprehensive notifications so I know there is an issue in advance (mostly).

Also run a few other vm's on the same server including Win 10 for CCTV , webserver for my Arduino / Pi projects, pinhole etc. Also have a 4port network card passed through so I can offline my firewall build or test configurations.

Having tried esxi, xen, freenas so far it gives all the options I need at the lowest effort level so I have more time for other interests and family.

Just added another 4TB storage, 5 minutes to add, left overnight, 5 minutes to check available.

Win10 is fine as a host, lots of people do it, if you can live with the security reboots and don't need Nas function then may as well stick with it
Hi Guy

Im looking for a little advice, I have a HP Gen 8 which i set up with windows 10 as i found its simple at the time.

I wondering if a better option is available I'm amusing something must be and i could get more out by switching

What else is it you're trying to do?

If people better understand your requirements, then we can better advise you.
Hi Guy

Im looking for a little advice, I have a HP Gen 8 which i set up with windows 10 as i found its simple at the time.

I wondering if a better option is available I'm amusing something must be and i could get more out by switching, at the moment I use the server mostly for plex and file storage, I drag the files from my main PC to a network drive and use team viewer to make any changes on the micro server side.

If you are on the same network, using RDP may be better than TeamViewer?

Take a look at Plex as a service, that's what I use, then also automate the windows updates so that it installs and reboots in the early hours.
I am using Windows server 2016 however, but I assume you should be able to do the same on W10
That's like saying you can't use a computer. Linux isn't this brick wall of scary black screens full of code where you need to grow a beard, become vegan and hide in a corner in the office mocking anyone else who doesn't use Linux as their OS.

Installing a server flavour is straight forwards, little bit of copy paste and you have a GUI.

If you can use Windows, you can use Linux.

You obviously don't work in our office then :D

Slippers and a cardy? :p
Another unRIAD user here, it's paid for but its not expensive. No more than buying an official copy of windows.

I mainly use it for Plex and file serving duties. PC's and laptops backup to it automatically. TV's iPad's etc can connect to it and watch whatever.

The server it's self is set and forget. It's been up for a few years now, it rarely gets re-booted.

I do have a few VM's installed for when I am tinkering.

I'm just running a bunch of odd sized drives and a small SSD cache. I will need add some new drives soon as I am running out of space but as the poster said above it only takes a few mins to add and unRAID sorts the rest out.

unRAID is much more capable than I am using it for, there are some interesting video's on Linus Tech Tips demonstrating what it is capable of if you have the $$$.

I wouldn't recommend it if your just wanting a basic NAS and Plex server. There are a few free alternatives people have already mentioned in here. But if your looking for something with a bit 'more' then unRAID is a really good solution.
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