truth is ive not really used it for anything else other then plex, just thought a better software would give me more use out of the server but after thinking about it it does what I really want for now.What else is it you're trying to do?
If people better understand your requirements, then we can better advise you.
I was just thinking for something that's on all the time i could get more use out of it.
If you are on the same network, using RDP may be better than TeamViewer?
Take a look at Plex as a service, that's what I use, then also automate the windows updates so that it installs and reboots in the early hours.
I am using Windows server 2016 however, but I assume you should be able to do the same on W10
Ive never used or know how to use RDP so ill need to look into it
Take a look at Plex as a service? how do you mean
yes I think windows 10 is about the same.
Another unRIAD user here, it's paid for but its not expensive. No more than buying an official copy of windows.
I dont really want to pay for unRIAD at the point if i can do with out and spend the money on upgrades.
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