*** OS X Mavericks ***

8 Nov 2003

A sneak preview of the next version of OS X…

It's not really part of OS X Mavericks but I cannot wait for iWorks in iCloud! Being able to edit a document on a PC is going to save so much time when I forget to change one thing on a document! It was never shown on a windows machine but I'm hoping you can log in to a PC and play full screen keynote presentations... That would mean I wouldn't have to carry my laptop/cables around with me!
You can deliver your presentation from a browser on your Mac. Or your PC. Or a coworker’s or client’s — because your presentation isn’t just on a computer, it’s on iCloud. Sign in to your account and just like that, you’re presenting from the web. It’s showtime.

Just found this on the website... awesome feature of iWork
If it's a file format issue then fair enough :)

Yup, I do all my work on my Mac in Mac format as I prefer it, but I have to transfer documents over to my work PC to print, which isn't annoying, until I forget to change something and have to flip back and forth with USB pens etc...

But the biggest boost will be the ability to use keynote presentations from the cloud... It can always be a bit of a faff when going to give a presentation somewhere and they don't have the facility to connect a Mac up (despite me bringing the correct cables). It also means I can give presentations anywhere that there is an internet connection which is a bonus :)
iWork in iCloud is nice, iTunes in iCloud would be even nicer :)

Is it so hard to get access to everything iTunes has to offer without having to install *&^%ing iTunes?

It's so simple, you only have to change a couple of words :p I'll even make it so you can include video too

You can access your media from a browser on your Mac. Or your PC. Or a coworker’s or client’s — because your media isn’t just on a computer, it’s on iCloud. Sign in to your account and just like that, you’re listening to music, watching a movie or reading a book from the web. It’s GooglePlaytime.
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iWork in iCloud is nice, iTunes in iCloud would be even nicer :)

Is it so hard to get access to everything iTunes has to offer without having to install *&^%ing iTunes?

It's so simple, you only have to change a couple of words :p I'll even make it so you can include video too

Technically iTunes match is iTunes in the cloud, at least what they refer to it as in the keynote presentation.

I actually really like iTunes, current version is excellent.
Hoping to purchase the next MBP when they update it for Haswell

Mavericks ads a lot of features which have been lacking
Finally moving in the right direction to support more professional users as they seem to have been taking a few steps back when integrating iOS a bit to heavily and without much refinement in my opinion
Unlike windows 8 which just takes leaps back when it comes to supporting pro users

I have a feeling these will just be put on the website in the next few months
Seems silly having a whole event just to update a few specs
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