** OSX Yosemite **

Just 'upgrade' my 2013 rMBP to Yosemite but wish I haven't. Total dislike the 2D 'flat' look overall especially the task bar. Can I or is there a way just to get the old Maverick/Mountain Lion/Snow Leopard task bar back?
Just 'upgrade' my 2013 rMBP to Yosemite but wish I haven't. Total dislike the 2D 'flat' look overall especially the task bar. Can I or is there a way just to get the old Maverick/Mountain Lion/Snow Leopard task bar back?

Tell me about it. And it's not just how it looks (even though it is ugly), it's noticeably slower than Mavericks. But then again I suppose it's our fault for not having bought the 2014 version yet :/
Yosemite is just as quick, if not quicker on all my home Macs and work ones.

Have you checked activity monitor to see if there's any processes hogging the CPU?
I hate this bloody new font, it might look good on Retina displays but not on my Dell 29" Forums look like the have the bold font on, really annoying!
Anybody who uses Caffeine and Yosemite's dark mode together will know that as the app hasn't been updated for Yosemite (and it may never happen), you cannot see the icon, and there isn't a way to fix it.

Found this replacement: https://github.com/newmarcel/KeepingYouAwake

EDIT: Forgot to also mention, for those who use Flux, the latest version now has an option to switch to the dark mode at sunset (Color Effects > OS X Dark theme at sunset).
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Another tip: some may find that fonts are too thick with font smoothing turned on, and too thin with font smoothing turned off. Turns out that you can set this an intermediate value in the terminal:
defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2

In System Preferences you toggle this option between 1 and 3. 2 for me looks just right.

No idea whether there is a 0 option, however I wouldn't bother with it if so.

Source: http://osxdaily.com/2014/10/27/change-font-smoothing-text-os-x-yosemite/
OK, so I stuck an SSD in my ageing Macbook Pro (2008) and did a fresh install of Yosemite. It's made quite a difference!

Question though... I've read that enabling trim can cause some problems. The SSD is an OCZ Vertex 4 256GB, is there a recommended way of going about this and am I going to kill the SSD?
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OK, so I stuck an SSD in my ageing Macbook Pro (2008) and did a fresh install of Yosemite. It's made quite a difference!

Question though... I've read that enabling trim can cause some problems. The SSD is an OCZ Vertex 4 256GB, is there a recommended way of going about this and am I going to kill the SSD?
Enabling TRIM isn't going to cause any problems. How you do it is up to you, whether that be using TRIM Enabler or Terminal. Other option is to simply not enable it at all, no harm either way.

God is Continuity unreliable. How they've done such a bad job with it is beyond me. Text Message Forwarding seems to only list a device at a time, and Handoff is listing the wrong device (but pulling up the correct page in Safari). Here's hoping it's sorted, because it could pull me back to using iMessage exclusively.
just upgraded and getting used to it
i have 13" retina macbook pro

I just noticed its using more ram, I only have safari running and it is saying 4.40gb active and 540mb free? any ideas?
I just noticed its using more ram, I only have safari running and it is saying 4.40gb active and 540mb free? any ideas?

OS X will use as much RAM as it can. Unused physical memory is just being wasted. As long as the memory pressure graph is greenish all is good.

I've got 16GB, it's showing used as 14.52GB with only 10 tabs open in Safari, Mail and iTunes open. If an application demands some memory OS X will free up some inactive memory and allocate it.
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