Just logged in to the Yosemite Beta Page: https://appleseed.apple.com/sp/betaprogram/
You can get your codes now. Download is 5.07GB.
EDIT: Anyone also notice, this rather special MacBook Air?
EDIT 2: All installed now. Must say, UI is much more responsive, and surprisingly all of my add-on applications work fine. Only thing that doesn't work (as expected) is Server.app.
I'm guessing this is either the rMBA that everyone says is coming or they just put the wrong desktop on the desktop model for the image.
Need faster interwebs.
Interwebs is fine. I'm getting about 600Kb/sec, not the usual 2Mb+.
Guess the servers are getting pretty slammed.
Quick question, anyone have any experience with Virtual box/vagrant on Yosemite.
Not used Vagrant yet, but Virtual Box is being a little iffy.
is the black transparent theme in this beta?