'Other' category

19 Dec 2010
The south
Had mountain lion for about a month and a bit now, happened to notice the 'other' category is over 65Gb, which is about 85% of all that I have filled up so far (77Gb).

Where is this all coming from? Someone said it could be sleep images, as I do put it to sleep rather than shutting down, but surely these would be deleted on restart or reboot?

I believe the sleep image is the size of your RAM so wouldn't be that. It could be time machine backups that haven't been backed up yet but as above that will show you exactly what is taking the space.
I don't use time machine as my external HDD is NTFS and so won't write to it! (I would format but I have no where to put the data during the format until I go home at xmas! ): )

Diskwave said that i had most of the extra in my documents, and after following it through, turns out that 'other' includes your downloads, and also Parallels which I would have thought came under Apps. But at least I know where it is now!

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