Our Akita Puppy

You are Wrong :p Boxers rock.


(sorry for chaging dog breeds :p )
Good thing you got the new dog when its a pup, i got my dog when it was a few years old and some things were hard to train (like when he goes for a walk, he is constantly pulling the leesh, nearly strangling himself trying to pull forward so hard, and he can not be let off it when we go walking as he just runs around everywhere and doesnt listen to commands to come back). I dont know wether my dog was this hard to train just because we didnt get him when he was a pup, or maybe because when we got him from an animal shelter we were told his previous owners mistreated him (not to sevear happend to him, but its obvious there are certain things he is afraid of).
I want one...They look well nice when they are older...a women who lived down the road from me use to have 3....they constantly dragged her down the road, was well funny to watch :D
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