Our overlords have arrived!

China spots UFO over its waters, authorities prepare to shoot it down:​

China has spotted an unidentified flying object over waters near Qingdao and the authorities were preparing to shoot it down,
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Feel like only recently I saw a video where they were talking about alien invasion being the next goverent scheme. I dismissed it as standard conspiracy stuff, but maybe I need to be donning the tinfoil hat too.
Time to rewatch The X-Files just so I know the playbook.
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“However, subsequently, NASA solar astrophysicist C. Alex Young said the ‘black cube' is "something I saw many times during my SOHO days". He added: "A simple data dropout. The image stream for SOHO/EIT came in blocks so if part of the data was lost you got a missing block." Express.co.uk is happy to clarify this.”

They’re happy to clarify, but let’s leave the article and title up
Reports that China are preparing to take down an Unidentified object over the yellow sea.

Definitely something a little bit fishy happening. Unknown state actor? Expensive prank? China trying to divert and say its happening to them as well? Very odd indeed.
Could it in fact be North Korea? Low tech, reasonably cheap, but reasonably effective means on intelligence gathering. only issue being you are at the mercy of nature.

Tit for tat misinformation i.e. muddying the waters they got caught with their pants down and are trying to create a smokescreen.
Biden really doesn't want to go back, does he?

“I guess the good news is if it is hostile aliens we know we can smoke em with sidewinders easily enough.”

Yeah I'm sure they can cover massive distances in space but don’t have proper weapons!

That man/woman/being must have been genuine enough then.. The one who said we will be visited by an alien called the Champion.

Don’t think a sidewinder will fix this one.

I hope we are invaded and that they have good intentions. They likely see the mess we are making of the planet and want to help before we totally destroy it.

That’s what I hope anyway..
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